The Green Screen - Children of Chance In the small local school of Cheratte, a former mining town, 11-year-old students with an immigrant background are coming to the end of their primary school education with Brigitte. This film evokes the challenge awaiting these children to integrate into current society, in the face of terrorist attacks and harassment via social media.
Following the screening of Children of Chance, we are hosting a debate on Thursday 23 September at 19:00 CEST. This month is dedicated to fighting inequalities through stronger social policies in Europe.
Education is among the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic and one of the most underfunded public sectors in several countries in Europe. But education has a great potential to change communities.
We will discuss education as a tool of empowerment and equal opportunity for all citizens, and the difference ambitious educational programs can make in the lives of children today. News Upcoming event: European Ideas Lab on Climate and Biodiversity in Milan and online Are you a changemaker invested in fighting the climate crisis? Do you think the voice of civil society needs to be stronger in today’s politics? Join us for The European Ideas Lab – an event that facilitates the meeting of Green leaders, activists and changemakers. Together we can #FixTheFuture. Supporting Gergely Karácsony for the Hungarian opposition primaries The European Greens are proud to support Gergely Karácsony's candidacy in the Hungarian opposition primaries for Prime Minister for the 2022 Hungarian parliamentary election.
Our Secretary General Mar Garcia and co-chair Thomas Waitz, MEP explain why we are endorsing him.
Legyen Karácsony! The State of the Union - A hopeful speech but the European Commission needs to be held to its words On Wednesday 15 September, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, delivered her second State of the European Union address to the European Parliament.
The European Greens welcome a hopeful speech in which the European Commission President made a series of relevant proposals. However, if Ursula von der Leyen wants to be serious about making 2022 the European Year of Youth and address the number one issue future generations are concerned with, she must ramp up her climate ambitions and cannot pretend the problem will be solved through current measures.
Read the comments from Co-Chair of the EGP, Thomas Waitz and Secretary General, Mar Garcia The Green Talking Heads – Episode 2 on health In this episode, EGP Committee Member Mélanie Vogel is in conversation with Gaëlle Krikorian, a researcher and activist on public health. They discuss the fault lines of our healthcare system, and more specifically the issue of equal access to pharmaceutical goods and treatment. TILT Time for a European directive on gender-based violence! Across Europe, over a third of women have been impacted by gender-based violence. Despite that, the European Union does not have any legislation to prevent or eliminate it.
That's why TILT joined forces with Greens/EFA in the European Parliament and MEP Terry Reintke to demand a European directive on gender-based violence, with a petition that has gained thousands of signatures. Shortly after the petition launch, European Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli responded to the petition on Twitter and this week, European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen announced a directive by the end of this year.
On Thursday September 16, the European Parliament voted for gender-based violence to be deemed an EU crime and for the Commission to propose an EU-wide directive on gender-based violence. Sign the petition to keep building pressure! News from our member parties German Greens Election Campaign The German Greens upcoming election will take place on Sunday 26th September 2021. Annalena Baerbock is running for the Chancellorship, to find out more about the German Program see the English translations: Short version – Full program. Two Green Leaders – Annalena Baerbock and Magdalena Davis meet on the campaign trail The German elections will take place on Sunday 26th September, the Czech elections just two weeks after. The two female leaders met along the campaign trial in Leipzig, to wish each other luck.
“I wish Magdalena Davis and Czech Greens a lot of success in the upcoming elections," Annalena Baerbock said, expressing hope that people will sit in the Czech government who will honour European values and take the climate crisis seriously.
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Scottish Greens in Government! We congratulate the Scottish Greens who have joined the Scottish government.
Patrick Harvie takes the position of Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights. Lorna Slater takes on the role of Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity. Find out more about some of their progressive plans such as on the four-day work week.
Polish Green Recovery Tour Last Saturday, our co-chair Thomas Waitz joined the opening session of our Polish Green Recovery Tour co-organised with Partia Zieloni.
The recovery tour will be held in 16 cities in Poland between 17 September and 11 November 2021. The events will explore key topics of the Green Recovery that relate to the European and national context.
Each event will host a debate on a topic that is relevant or closely linked to post-Pandemic recovery in Europe and Poland
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Finnish Green party congress and new leadership team Congraulations to Maria Ohisalo, who was re-elected as party leader of the Finnish Greens Vihreät - De Gröna. She will be working alongside MPs Atte Harjanne, Hanna Holopainen, and Iiris Suomela who were elected as vice chairs of the party. We are looking forward to seeing them continue to build a greener, better and fairer Finland!
Read more about Maria Ohisalo’s unanimous re-election.
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Norwegian elections - Congratulations! We are sending congratulations to Une Bastholm, Lan Marie N. Bergrie & Rasmus JM Hansson from our member party Miljøpartiet De Grønne (MDG) who were elected as MPs in Norway! They won two new seats for the Greens after campaigning for politics for both people and the planet. Wishing them the best for their mandate!
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