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Tuesday, September 21st, 2021

‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op?

Ron Paul, MD

Up Periscope!

Eric S. Margolis

The Great Reset: How a ‘Managerial Revolution’ Was Plotted 80 Years Ago by a Trotskyist-turned-CIA Neocon

Cynthia Chung

Faulty Recall

Paul Gottfried

The Failure To Prove the Virus Exists

Jon Rappoport

It’s A Fourth Turning: What Did You Expect?

Jim Quinn

Debunking Biden’s Claim We Must “Protect the Vaccinated from the Unvaccinated”

Ryan McMaken

Now That the American Dream Is Reserved for the Wealthy, the Smart Crowd Is Opting Out

Charles Hugh Smith

These Bushes Are Poisonous: George W. and Granddad Prescott’s Legacy

Boyd D. Cathey

Conquered by a Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America Good-bye

Paul Craig Roberts

Is Imperialism Driven by Demonic Forces?

Revd Frank Gelli

US Officials Demand Ban on Dr. Mercola’s Book

Dr. Joseph Mercola


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