
Last night, we saw another display of Progressive Privilege, as thousands of Hollywood Elites walked around the Emmys maskless, with little to no social distancing.

These are the same Hollywood Elites that lecture us incessantly about everything under the sun, including said masks and social distancing.

>> This is Progressive Privilege. Rules for thee but not for me.

Rewind a week ago to the Met Gala, where you saw Progressive Privilege on full display. 

Aside from the lack of masks and distancing, one of the most blatant examples was AOC wearing a “Tax the Rich” dress, while grandstanding among the top 1% at an event costing $35,000 a ticket.

Ironically, the designer of AOC’s dress supposedly owes taxes in multiple states. And the IRS placed 6 liens on her company just a few years ago.

>> This is Progressive Privilege. Rules for thee but not for me.

Now, rewind a few weeks ago when Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and others were photographed at a Pelosi fundraiser maskless and speaking in close proximity to one another. 

Once they saw the cameras come out, they all put their masks back on and pretended to be following their own rules….

>> This is Progressive Privilege. Rules for thee but not for me.

If the Democrats, Hollywood Elite, and Mainstream Media didn’t hold such double standards, then it wouldn’t be so infuriating. But they do. And their hypocrisy runs deep.

This is why we need to speak up and out about Progressive Privilege. 

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Victoria Coley

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