We wanted to make sure you saw this message from the Governor.

Friend -- We wanted to make sure you saw this message from the Governor. We're doing everything we can to fight back against these establishment groups that are launching nonstop attacks against our campaign. If we're going to win this runoff, we need everybody to dig in during these final weeks.

We're still $2,577 short of our goal for today, can you make a contribution right now so we can hit our goal and keep on track?


Team JBE


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 2:23 PM
Subject: here's what we know:

Friend, here's what we know: as the runoff gets closer, the attacks are only going to increase.

The Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to try to take me down, and from here on out, we're going to see more and more of it.

Just this month, national organizations have ramped up their spending in Louisiana to rally opposition against us. Groups like the Republican Governors Association have spent millions on attack ads, and they are only getting started.

We're fighting back, but to stay on track and meet our critical runoff fundraising goals, we need to raise $7,588 before midnight tonight. Will you pitch in right now, to help us make up ground against the money pouring in from national Republican groups?

Friend, please, will you rush $5 right now? Every dollar you give will be doubled to help me win reelection and keep Louisiana moving forward.

Thank you for your support. 

Governor John Bel Edwards