It’s Masoud, we were in touch a couple months ago. I’m on the Board of NIAC, and wanted to reach out about our much anticipated report on internet freedom in Iran. The report is eye-opening and I hope you’ll take some time to read it, but the main takeaways are below.
In the escalating tensions between Iran and the United States, Trump snapped sanctions back on Iran. The question is: What have sanctions accomplished? The report makes it clear that when it comes to Freedom of Information, sanctions have actually helped the regime. Sanctions prevent ordinary Iranians and social activists from accessing online services that they could use to access information, share the news, and shed light on events inside Iran.
In fact, as a result of sanctions, major internet companies like Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and the Apple App Store continue to pull out of the Iranian market, forcing Iranians to use apps that are subject to monitoring, filtering, and blackouts. The sanctions have only hurt ordinary Iranians, crippled Iran’s economy, and turned millions of lives upside down, while also preventing them from using secure information tools to organize, access, and spread information.
In 2021, access to a free internet is the key to opportunity. President Biden can do something right now to restore internet freedom for Iranians. We’re urging this administration to update guidelines on Iranian sanctions with the help of internet rights experts to get Iranians back online.
NIAC is growing its efforts in the halls of Congress and with the Biden Administration but we need your help — can you chip in $10 to help us get these sanctions that limit Iranians’ access to the internet lifted?
CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250
Thank you for standing alongside us as we work to restore internet freedom to Iranian citizens and as we advocate for a safer and more connected world.
Thank you, John.
Masoud Loghmani
NIAC Board Member
