What Trump tweeted today was truly unconscionable.

Team — I know we say this a lot, but what Trump tweeted today was truly unconscionable.

Trump’s use of the term “lynching” was not a mistake. And to see members of the Republican party defend his evocation of such a dark and painful time in our country’s history? It’s absolutely sickening, team .

We must stand together today in condemning Donald Trump’s hateful and disgusting remarks. If you agree, add your name to join me >>>

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The late and great Rep. Elijah Cummings, a true leader who knew what it meant to fight for justice and equality, was one of the loudest voices standing up to Trump’s racist, hate-fueled rhetoric. I can’t help but think of how just a few months ago he called for an end to exactly the kind of behavior Trump demonstrated today:

We are done with the hateful rhetoric, done with the mass shootings, done with white supremacists and domestic terrorists fighting against everything our country stands for. We are better than that.

Regardless of party line or ideological beliefs, we must rise up against racism and horrific acts of violence committed in the name of hate. We must speak with moral clarity in this moment and use actions to prove that we are better than this.

In solidarity,


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