In just 10 days Congress, and our country, face an important deadline: the final day to pass a continuing resolution to keep our government funded or face a painful and costly government shutdown. At the same time, we are also approaching another deadline — the need to lift the debt ceiling — and it would be irresponsible to delay action on that front. That’s why Democrats plan to also include the debt ceiling provision in this all-important package.

As US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has repeatedly warned: the stakes for our economy could not be higher. But Mitch McConnell is playing a very dangerous game with our economic stability. Even as he has publicly admitted the economic necessity of lifting the debt ceiling, Mitch has said that he and his Senate GOP Caucus will vote against lifting it.

This is the same McConnell that said that he was “100 percent” focused on stopping the Biden Administration. And his reckless actions and statements suggest he is willing to do just about anything in pursuit of that goal — even if it means tanking our economy.

During Trump’s tenure McConnell extended the debt ceiling multiple times without delay and our national debt increased a total of $7.8 trillion — due in part to the Trump tax breaks for big corporations and the very wealthy. Today nearly 30% of our debt is from those Trump years and Republicans have a responsibility to act before the deadline to prevent an economic crisis.

Add your name next to mine to denounce this dangerous and irresponsible GOP gambit and call on all Senators to vote YES on the continuing resolution to prevent a government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling to avoid financial catastrophe. We need to focus on expanding economic opportunity for every American, not threaten to destroy it >>

Keeping our government open and avoiding a government default are two of the most basic responsibilities of any elected official. Threatening a financial crisis that will hurt our economy and every American is beneath contempt — even for Mitch.

Thank you for making your voice heard.
