Friend – in a cabinet meeting yesterday, President Trump called the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution “phony.” Let’s be clear: There’s nothing “phony” about the Constitution. These are the very rules our Founding Fathers created to protect our new nation. And to prevent any president from putting a “For Sale” sign on the Oval Office.

Trump has made every effort to get rich off the office of the presidency since the day he stepped foot in the White House. His botched and back-tracked deal to hold the G7 summit at Trump Doral Miami is only the latest of his many attempts to line his and his family’s pockets with both foreign and taxpayer dollars. The fact that he bent to public pressure and retreated from his original plan does not excuse his willingness to self-deal so blatantly.

His continuing corrupt acceptance of illegal foreign payments is disgraceful and a brazen abuse of power and of the American people. I’m moving ahead full throttle in our suit against Trump in federal court to bring him to justice, but I need to know if you’re with me on this.

That’s why I’m counting on you to let me know before midnight: Should President Trump be held accountable for his blatant misconduct?

Thank you for taking a stand for justice,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Blumenthal
Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2019
Subject: Another reason I'm suing Trump:

Friend – 

Our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.

The White House just announced that President Trump will host next year’s G7 Summit at his luxury Miami golf club. That means money from the world leaders attending, as well as free promotion from this international event, will line the President’s and his family’s pockets. And it won’t be pocket change. 

There’s only one explanation for this: corruption. This is a textbook example of a president profiting off of his position of power and a clear violation of the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

That’s why I’m suing Trump in federal court. We need to hold him accountable to the law and bring the justice that the American people deserve. Are you with me on this? I need to hear from 2,133 more concerned Americans before midnight, so please let me know now:

Should President Trump be held accountable for
his blatant misconduct?

Thank you for standing with me in the fight for justice,


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