Every girl has the right to an education. Email your lawmakers >>
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Right now, there’s an education crisis affecting young girls around the world, Friend. It doesn’t make headlines or set off emergency alerts, but the future of millions is at stake.
Prior to the pandemic, 132 million girls between the ages of 6 and 17 were out of school. Now, as a result of COVID-19 disruptions, an additional 11 million girls may not return to school. We can’t let that happen.
Urge your lawmakers to pass the Keeping Girls in School Act -- which will address barriers to girls’ education and help protect every child’s right to learn.
Friend, send your message >>
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School is an opportunity for girls to develop cognitive skills and transition to further education or work. School is a defense against child marriage, sexual exploitation and gender-based violence. School is a chance at a brighter, healthier, safer future.
Speak up now for the bipartisan Keeping Girls in Schools Act that will:
- Help recover the learning opportunities lost during the pandemic
- Break down the barriers -- like discrimination and abuse -- that prevent access to a quality education
- Support investments in long-term, quality education that can improve the health, economic prosperity and security of girls everywhere
Girls are ready to learn, but they need the support of federal leadership from your state and across the country to help make that happen. Send a message to your members of Congress -- tell them to support a quality education for all girls >>
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Thank you,
Mark Engman
Vice President, Policy and Advocacy
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