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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

New Polling:
Battleground Voters Trust Biden to Improve the Economy, but Democrats Face Headwinds on Job Creation, Deficits, and Competition

PPI recently commissioned a national survey by Expedition Strategies of public attitudes in battleground 44 House districts and eight states likely to have competitive Senate races next year. This second report focuses on how these pivotal voters compare the two parties on jobs and the economy, tax and fiscal policy, and innovation, entrepreneurship and competition.

“Our findings provide crucial context for today’s debate – both between the parties and between the pragmatic and left wings of the Democratic Party – over the size, cost and financing of President Biden’s ambitious Build Back Better plans,” said PPI President Will Marshall.

“The good news is that battleground voters trust Biden and the Democrats more to improve the economy and deliver tax fairness,” he added. “But there are warning signs here on job creation, deficits and paying for public investment that Democrats should heed as they shape their big reconciliation package.”


Battleground Voters Trust Biden to Improve the Economy, but Democrats Face Headwinds on Job Creation, Deficits, and Competition

PPI Press

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New from the Experts

Dr. Robert Popovian for The Hill: Vaccines are the future of health care
The Hill

Veronica Goodman on the American Trends Podcast: New federal tax credit may be a game changer in reducing child poverty
American Trends Podcast

Mosaic Economic Project: Mosaic announces third cohort of policy experts

Veronica Goodman for the PPI Blog: Five facts about hunger for national hunger day
PPI Blog

New report from the Innovation Frontier Project: Fix science, don't just fund it

Veronica Goodman for the PPI Blog: Census Bureau report finds that poverty fell in 2020 thanks to government support
PPI Blog

Dr. Michael Mandel and Dr. Robert Popovian for the PPI Blog: Aiming drug price reform at the right target 
PPI Blog
Hot Off the Press

PPI President Will Marshall in the AP: Budget bill reopens moderate vs. progressive divide for Dems

“It has to be tied to a plan to create good jobs, spur innovation and growth,” said [Will] Marshall, who added that many in swing districts have also expressed concerns about running up federal debts and contributing to rising inflation.


PPI's Paul Bledsoe in the New York Times: Biden implores world leaders to take action on climate change: 'We don't have a lot of time.'

“Unless China commits in the next month to peak their overall emissions before 2025, they risk being isolated in the run up to Glasgow, and perhaps deemed responsible if the overall negotiations fail,” said Paul Bledsoe, a strategic adviser with the Progressive Policy Institute.

New York Times

PPI's Ben Ritz in the Wall Street Journal: 
Democrats Seek Backup Plan on Taxing Capital Gains

“The big benefit that taxing at death has over carry-over basis is that more of the revenue comes within the 10 years of the window,” said Ben Ritz, the director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Center for Funding America’s Future, referencing the 10-year timeline used for tabulating the cost of policy changes.

Wall Street Journal

Don't Miss This...

Paul Bledsoe in the Washington Post: 
As they gather at U.N., world leaders face furious push to act quickly on climate change

Washington Post

Paul Bledsoe in the Financial Times: 
U.S. and EU plan agreement to curb methane pollution

Financial Times

Dr. Michael Mandel on NPR: 
More and more Democrats embrace the 'progressive' label. Here's why.

New on the Pod

Recently, the Progressive Policy Institute hosted an event with U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO) and a panel of energy experts, focused on expanding power line capacity to enable renewable energy deployment.

PPI's Strategic Climate Advisor Paul Bledsoe moderated the conversation and raised questions about how the U.S. can improve its electric infrastructure to reach President Biden's clean energy goals. As a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Senator Hickenlooper spoke of his own efforts to improve transmission siting opportunities and clean energy initiatives. 


It's the fourth episode of the Neoliberal Project's 'Liberalism Around the World' series, examining the state of liberalism in many countries and regions. This week's episode is all about liberalism in Bangladesh. The pod's guest is Imran Khan, a policy analyst, climate advocate and lead of the Bangladesh Neoliberals chapter.

They talk about Bangladesh's political history, the country's struggles with democracy and corruption, Bangladesh's economic development, and the biggest current challenges for liberals in Bangladesh.

Don't Miss These PPI Events

The Science of Reading and Closing Literacy Gaps in a Post-COVID World

Coming Up: As policymakers look to address the inequities exacerbated by COVID, PPI's Reinventing America’s Schools Project is hosting a webinar on creating effective reading recovery programs. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 29th at 1:00 PM EST and learn more here!



ICYMI: Sen. Hickenlooper joins PPI for an event on the future of clean energy 
Don't miss PPI's recent event on improving the siting opportunities for electricity transmission lines. We asked our panel the important questions like: What scale of the transmission line expansion is needed to fulfill President Biden’s goal of 100% clean energy from the electric sector by 2035? And, what are the prospects of addressing this challenge in the infrastructure bill or other legislative vehicles in Congress?
U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO) provided this event's keynote address! 
Watch today!
Don't Miss These PPI Reports
Black Minds Matter: What Should Our leaders Do About Failing Schools?
New from PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project:
“The task for state policymakers is simple: They must give districts a tool they can use, in the form of legislation to allow innovation zones, and incentives to use that tool. If they ignore this opportunity, they will sentence millions of poor children to inadequate educations that, for most, will result in lifetimes of poverty,” said David Osborne in "Black Minds Matter: What Should Our Leaders Do About Failing Schools?"

Investment Heroes 2021

Over the last 4 years, overall U.S. capital investment has increased by 14.4%--and amid a global pandemic and economic recession unlike anything we've seen before, these 25 companies invested the most in the American economy, making PPI's annual Investment Heroes list.

Any guesses on who was number 1? 

Check it out and see who made the cut here.

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