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Last night, the Senate Parliamentarian, an unelected bureaucrat, responded to the Senate stating that the current proposal of including legalization in budget reconciliation was not doable. But that was only the first step in what we know is going to be a dialogue and a process with the Parliamentarian. Democrats know that they can’t go back to their communities without keeping their promise on immigration. We will work together to proceed to the next stage of the parliamentarian process and we will keep working until we get to yes. We won’t take no for an answer.  

To remind Congress what’s at stake and who they are accountable to, we are mobilizing New Yorkers from across the state to demand immigrant essential workers, TPS recipients and Dreamers be protected by Congress, as Democrats have long promised. We are rallying tomorrow with thousands of people from across the country in support of immigrants rights. Join us tomorrow, September 21st, in Washington, D.C. to help uplift immigrant voices and demand justice for all 8 million immigrants. 

Share these messages to Twitter today, on behalf of these immigrants who have sacrificed so much for their country!
📢 Calling all allies to #WelcomeBackCongress on September 21st! We march for:

➡️ Citizenship
➡️ Care economy
➡️ Climate justice

Join us in DC! #WeAreHome #FreedomTogether
Yesterday’s Parliamentarian ruling is a first step in a process that is continuing. Democrats know that “no” is not an option. Tell Congress they must deliver citizenship now! We can’t wait any longer!  #WeAreHome #FreedomTogether

After the past four years of relentless attacks on our communities, it is past time for Congress to turn the page on this dark history and take bold action. We cannot wait any longer for the most basic and essential of protections for immigrants! 

By rallying, we will show Congress that we won’t be ignored when it comes to giving a voice to the millions of immigrants who need and deserve a pathway to citizenship. Sí se puede!

In power,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

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