Join us in urging Procter & Gamble to stop using virgin wood from the ancient boreal forest in its tissue products.

Dear Friend,

The Canadian boreal forest is disappearing at a rate of one and a half football fields per minute.1

In large part, that's due to industrial logging and pulping of the forest's old-growth trees for virgin fibers.2 That virgin fiber then goes into making super-soft tissue products, which are sold by brands like Charmin, Bounty and Puffs.

Environment Colorado is calling on Procter & Gamble (P&G), the parent company of Charmin, Bounty and Puffs, to instead create tissue products made from only recyclable and forest-free materials -- and we need your help.

P&G's shareholders are meeting on Oct. 12, and we want to show them that there is broad public support for preserving the boreal.

Sign on to our petition to urge P&G to create only recycled and forest-free tissue products.

Canada's boreal forest is one that we can't afford to throw away as tissue paper products.

Spanning the upper half of North America, the ancient wilderness removes enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to offset the emissions of 24 million passenger vehicles.3 Clear-cutting the trees removes one of our best natural defenses against climate-warming pollution.

In addition to harming the climate, industrial logging also harms wildlife. It destroys the habitat of lynx, caribou, bison and hundreds of species of migratory birds.4

We want to make sure that P&G knows that when it comes to choosing between a product we use for five seconds and our world's special places, the choice is easy.

P&G shouldn't throw away our forest. Add your name today.

Thank you for all you do,

The team at Environment Colorado Research & Policy Center

1. Ryan Flanagan, "How a toilet paper boom is harming Canada's boreal forest," CTV News, February 26, 2019.
2. Ryan Flanagan, "How a toilet paper boom is harming Canada's boreal forest," CTV News, February 26, 2019.
3. Ryan Flanagan, "How a toilet paper boom is harming Canada's boreal forest," CTV News, February 26, 2019.
4. Graham Duggan, "The world's biggest forest is in our own backyard and we need to protect it," CBC, last accessed September 9, 2021.

Environment Colorado Research & Policy Center
1543 Wazee St., Suite 400, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 573-3871
Member questions or requests call 1-800-401-6511.

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