Great news:
Right now we have more donations in October than we did by this point in September. That's amazing – and it's all because lots and lots of people are chipping in to stand with Bernie.
Now, some bad news:
Our average donation this month has dipped to around $15, and now we're a bit behind where we need to be to reach our October fundraising goal.
Bernie is very proud that this campaign is funded by working people. But the truth is that the lower average means we need even more donations to keep pace.
Since you haven't made an online donation yet, we are hoping you can make your first one today. It'd mean a lot to Bernie, especially during this critical month for our campaign.
We are the only campaign that is funded exclusively by grassroots donations. That's important. Because not only is that how we will win this election – it's how we will transform our country when we are in the White House.
Thank you for chipping in today to make that possible.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie