For me, this is a particularly heart-wrenching disaster…
On the evening of September 19, 2010, I was moving across the battlefield in Kandahar, Afghanistan narrowing in on a high-value target. As a bomb tech, it was my job to clear the way for the rest of our team by finding and disposing of any improvised bombs.
That was the night I discovered the last explosive device I ever found by stepping on it. I remember every moment of the explosion, down to my teeth rattling so hard I wasn’t sure that they were still in my mouth. The next thing I knew, I was in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. I looked down to the end of my bed where my feet should have been sticking up, but they weren’t.
Every day since when I wake up I am reminded of my time in Afghanistan. The remnants of this war are going to last me the rest of my life, but I am one of the lucky ones—I made it home.
As I reflect back on that night, it is clear to me that the fight for freedom won’t be won unless we all work together. Just like I’d be dead if my fellow soldiers hadn’t run toward that explosion, our country stands no chance of surviving if we don’t work together now to defend liberty and freedom here at home.
But Joe Biden has proven that he cares more about political optics than the common good. That’s why we must come together to defeat Joe Biden.