
I have watched the mainstream media transform into a merchant of half-truths, woke propaganda, and a non-stop push for bigger government. I need your help to push back.
I left my ABC News job because they resisted my attempts to report on unintended consequences of big government programs. They wouldn’t let me explain how free market capitalism was saving lives and lifting billions out of poverty.  

Fox News let me, but after 7 years, I gave up my show on FBN because I wanted to reach younger people, people who haven’t already made up their minds.
That is why I created Stossel TV and partnered with Center for Independent Thought.
Stossel TV has produced more than 400 videos explaining the benefits of free markets and the harm done by big government. Thanks to social media, we don’t need TV networks anymore. Young people don't watch Fox or CNN. They surf the web and get their news from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. 

A surprise benefit of posting video on the internet is that our videos keep finding new viewers. We’ve gotten more than 450 million views.

You can help Stossel TV reach millions of people by making a donation today. Please click here or one of the links below to donate >>>

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My reporting is different from most news on cable and the networks. Most of that is “Donald Trump said today … !” “Congress just passed … “ “Biden will promise ... “ At a time when media is polarizing and politicized, Stossel TV maintains journalistic integrity by covering topics such as Socialism vs. Capitalism, Anti-racist Racists, and Social Media Censorship. We challenge the alarmism that demands more regulations.

These topics remain important year after year, election cycle after election cycle, and that’s why our videos keep finding new viewers. 

This allows more people to keep learning the truth—years after the video was first released.

Stossel TV’s rapidly growing views demonstrate people want to hear the facts and think for themselves--despite mainstream media’s pro-government, anti-business bias.   

Please help me spread our message of free markets, civil liberties, and individualism by making a donation today >>>

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Your donation will help me produce more videos, reach more viewers, and expose the truth about the corrupt media, government, and political elites.

Please click here to make a donation.

Thank you, Friend. 

In liberty,

John Stossel 
Journalist - Stossel TV
Center for Independent Thought
Paid for by Center for Independent Thought