Be one of the first people to see Not Going Quietly, the film about our fight for health care justice.

Comrades, it’s Ady Barkan!

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time: After three years of collaborating with some incredible filmmakers, the documentary telling the story of my struggle with ALS and the progressive movement’s fight for health care justice, Not Going Quietly, is finally coming out!

This film is a celebration of all of the blood, sweat, and tears that you, and we all together, have invested into organizing this incredible movement to resist Trump, save our democracy, and build towards a future where every American has high-quality health care and home care if they need it.

The progressive movement is a family to me, and the work you all do is what keeps me going. So, before the official release on video-on-demand in just a few weeks, I would love for you to join me and your fellow progressives for the one-night-only Not Going Quietly Online Premiere on September 22nd at 7:00 PM ET!

This celebration of the movement we have built together will feature a screening of the film, a message from friends like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Speaker Pelosi, Jamaal Bowman, Ayanna Pressley, Ro Khanna, Cori Bush, the cast of The West Wing, and other special guests, a post-show discussion with me, Bradley Whitford, Pramila Jayapal, and leaders in the health care justice movement, and finally -- of course -- an opportunity to take action right away to fight for health care justice.

Can you join us, John? Then click here now to get your ticket to the Not Going Quietly Online Premiere!

I have been waiting to share Not Going Quietly with you for a long time. And while I hope that you will be moved by my story and the stories of the many activists featured in the film (and laugh at all of my jokes), most of all I hope that it will inspire you to be as ready as I am to fight like hell for a just health care system for all that prioritizes people over profits.

And on September 22nd, you have the chance to watch this film in sync with the incredible progressive community and chat with your fellow audience members throughout -- and then get out there and take action.

Click here now to join us for the Not Going Quietly Online Premiere on September 22nd at 7:00 PM ET to be a part of this special celebration alongside Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and more, and be one of the first people to see this film.

See you there,

-- Ady






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