"General Li, you and I have known each other for five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of
time. It’s not going to be a surprise."
-Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a call to Chinese Gen. Li
Zuocheng Dear Patriot,
Was it treason or merely a dereliction of duty?
According to Brigadier General Don Bolduc (U.S Army, Ret.), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley must resign either way.
You see, authors of the soon to be released book “Peril” claim to have evidence of what
appears to be an attempted Deep State coup against former President Donald Trump. The
book’s authors give in-depth details on alleged conversations between General Milley and senior Pentagon officials, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-CA), and a general in the Chinese military. If what’s being reported
ends up being true, this would be an absolutely stunning usurpation of authority at best and an act of treason at worst.
You and I have seen the U.S. Constitution put through the shredder on various issues, and this is just another, and very
egregious, case. According to the book, General Milley:
• Covertly told his military counterpart in China he would tip him off in advance of any U.S. military action,
• Gave assurances to House Speaker Pelosi about wresting control of the nuclear codes from President Trump,
• Instructed senior Pentagon officials they were not to act on any orders for military strikes -- even
from the president -- unless Milley himself personally approved them. Patriot, this is an actual insurrection -- not only by Milley but perhaps Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well.
According to Fox News: After ordering Pentagon officials to bypass President Trump and undertake
no military incursions without first seeking his assent, Milley telephoned his counterpart in China. "Peril" describes how he reassured
Gen. Li Zuocheng that the U.S. would not initiate any type of attack amid American military exercises in the South China Sea.
This was preceded by a call that Milley made to Li on October 30, 2020, four days before the presidential election.
During that conversation, Woodward and Costa allege that Milley promised he would warn the Chinese Communist Party in advance if the president were to
launch an attack against the country. This is a very serious matter, and thus far, Milley is not denying these accusations. He’s quoted in
an excerpt of the book saying something that certainly breaks the chain of command, a very serious offense.
"General Li, you and I have known each other for five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time.
It’s not going to be a surprise." -General
Milley, as quoted in “Peril” by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. Patriot, if these allegations are true, General Milley needs to
be held accountable. Sign the postcard to your
U.S. Senators and Representative and DEMAND an investigation into this alleged Deep State Coup.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is an advisory-only position. As
Chair, General Milley has NO position within the operational chain of command, and that includes the chain that oversees the nuclear codes.
Usurping the power of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America is grounds for a
court-martial. And if Milley promised to tip off an adversary prior to any military action
approved by the president of the United States, whether it be necessary or not, it is treason.
You know me. I’m not a big fan of war. But if our country takes military action, I know
it’s not wise to tell adversaries in advance, giving them time to take action against Americans on American soil.
When our nation was founded, those guilty of treason were not treated well.
Which is why it’s so important to get Congress to get to the bottom of this and take action NOW.
Of course, Milley could also be cleared of any charges, and these allegations could be proven false or overblown. Without an immediate
non-partisan investigation, we won’t know the truth. My son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), is
calling for the immediate removal of Milley if these charges are proven true: It should be investigated immediately, today, he
should be questioned under oath, if not with a polygraph test, on whether it happened. If it happened, he should be immediately relieved of his duties
and court-martialed. You have to find out if it’s true. This is innuendo and rumor and propaganda perhaps. But, if it is true he absolutely
immediately needs to be removed. - Sen. Rand Paul
With harsh words like that already
coming from members of the Senate, an investigation into these allegations is necessary. Sign the
postcard demanding an investigation now. If Congress doesn’t act now, this will be another case of the Deep State
getting away with criminal activity . . . actions you and I would be jailed for without due process in today’s world.
Your calls, your petitions, your emails, your postcards to your senators and representative matter. You need to let them
know you are watching and that you care about the rule of law. Please sign your postcard now so
they will take real action. And please consider a generous donation to Campaign for
Liberty to keep our programs to stop the Deep State going strong. $10, $25, or more if you can afford it.
In Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley has some of the most serious allegations we’ve seen as a country against him right now.
Colluding with a foreign government to subvert the Commander in Chief is worthy of court-martialing and
imprisonment. Sign the postcard to demand an investigation at
once! Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing
some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Please consider a generous donation
today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. ___________________________________________
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots