
If Mitch McConnell has his way, the Senate isn’t going to lift a finger to protect voting rights from the right-wing assault Republican legislatures are waging across the country.

And as long as Democrats in the Senate refuse to abolish the filibuster, that’s exactly what is going to happen.

This week, Mitch McConnell said Republicans “will not be letting Washington Democrats abuse their razor-thin majorities in both chambers to overrule state and local governments and appoint themselves a national Board of Elections on steroids.”

You and I both know that couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s no surprise that Mitch McConnell is creating a warped, false narrative behind the Freedom to Vote Act because he's one of the figureheads for the party of lies, voter suppression, and autocracy.

McConnell filibustered the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act without giving either bill a second thought. And Republican legislatures have taken full advantage by passing extreme voter suppression laws – just as recently as last week in Texas.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it. The midterm elections are going to be tough — even tougher than what we experienced in 2020. In 2010, when our country was just emerging from another economic crisis, Republicans swept 63 new seats in the House and broke our majority. And President Obama’s agenda sputtered in the face of zealous GOP opposition.

If that happens again next year, that would decimate our slim House majority and set our progress back decades. We can’t allow it. And we won’t. If we do what is necessary, we can win, just as we did so resoundingly in California’s GOP recall election. There’s simply too much at stake — healthcare, the environment, and yes, our democracy.

Can you pitch in $10 or $25 right now? We need every resource possible to defend our democracy, and with the FEC deadline around the corner, every dollar right now makes a significant difference.

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Thanks for all you do.

— Adam