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America is not an accident. Nor is this country just a piece of real estate between two oceans.

The United States is fundamentally a set of principles and ideals enshrined in the US Constitution.

Drafted by the Founders in that old courthouse in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787, the Constitution has not only endured. It helps explain why thirteen former British colonies rose to become the greatest Republic in history.

It was two hundred and thirty-four years ago, almost to the day, that the delegates at the Constitutional Convention concluded their work and put their names to the document.

As they returned home, I wonder how many of them realized quite what an extraordinary sublime and enduring document they had created? 

Aaron Rice writes about Constitution Day, and why it is worth celebrating.

Perhaps it is because I was not born in America that I have such a strong appreciation of what makes the United States and her Constitution so special.

The US Constitution is not only a remarkable achievement but an awesome inheritance. We owe it to previous generations to pass it intact to the next.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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