18 Sep 2021 | Take Full Fact's claim challenge

...You wait around to catch one, then suddenly they’re everywhere.

If we want to win the fight against bad information, we first need to track it down.

But false claims can evolve and spread quickly, even after we’ve found them to be wrong–making it much harder to stop the bad information from going further and causing more harm.

At Full Fact we’re building world-leading technology to spot whenever and wherever a claim we’ve fact checked appears again, even if the wording isn’t exactly the same.

But here’s the thing: we need lots of people to help train it, by spotting and matching 500,000 claims. Can you take our challenge, and help take fact checking to the next level?
Yes! Challenge accepted
How it works: we’ll present you with two statements, A and B, and then ask if they mean the same thing. If so, click yes.

If not, click no. And if you’re not sure it’s okay to skip.

This may seem simple at first, but sometimes it might be quite tricky to tell the difference.

For example, it may be two different statements from the same article that appear to be talking about similar things, but not the same thing.

In some cases, you won't find any matching statements. That’s okay.

The no's are equally as important as the yeses to help us improve, and you will be making a huge difference to the future of fact checking.

You see, this technology isn’t just being built for us, but for fact checkers and journalists around the world.

That means in taking part in our challenge, you’ll help build technology that will be able to catch potentially hundreds of thousands of false statements in our politics, media and online, from around the world. Not bad for a Saturday morning!

So Friend, are you ready to be a part of fact checking history?
Sure, let's get started
Not today, but I'll chip in to support
This is one of the first times we’ve asked our supporters to help with our fact checking AI, and we've already been bowled over by the help of our supporters. We welcome your feedback. Please get in touch to let us know where we can improve.

All the best,

Andy Dudfield – Head of Automated Fact Checking
Full Fact
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