Biden v. Babies 2.0: Biden Attacks Heartbeat Law Again Through Fake Political Lawsuit

This week, the Biden Administration’s U.S. Department of Justice asked for a motion to have an emergency hearing, in an attempt to stop the Texas Heartbeat Law (S.B. 8) from continuing to be in effect.

Jonathan Saenz, President and Attorney of Texas Values released the following statement:

“The Biden Administration is throwing fake political lawsuits at the wall to try and stop the Heartbeat Law and see if anything sticks. Slick lawyer tricks will not change the fact that everyone knows now that abortion stops a baby’s beating heart. Our state is firm: Don’t mess with Texas babies.  That’s why 2,200 preborn lives have been saved since the Heartbeat Law went into effect on September 1 and that precious number will grow every day.”



Save Women's Sports on Third Special Session Agenda

Texas' third special session (and likely last for this year) is mere days away and presents yet another opportunity on the Save Women's Sports issue, which Governor Greg Abbott has indicated is a priority to pass by including this issue on the special session agenda. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced today that the Save Women's Sports issue is a priority of his and that the bill will be Senate Bill 3, carried by Senator Charles Perry. This latest special session will begin Monday, September 20, at 10 AM.

The Texas Senate successfully passed two bills on the issue of fair play in the First Called Special Session that began July 8th, only to have the bills die in the House during the Democrats' quorum break. During the second special session, the Senate also passed SB 2, a Fair Play bill focusing on high school sports, where it finally died in the House Public Education Committee.


Texas Values Team Member Writes Article on Legal Updates to the Heartbeat Law

Mary Elizabeth Castle, Senior Policy Advisor for Texas Values wrote an article for Society of St. Sebastian on how Biden’s baseless attack on the Texas Heartbeat Law won’t succeed.  Here is one highlight from the article.  She said:

“The good news is that the highest legal department in the land, who politically oppose the law, seems stumped on how to challenge it. Once again, the Heartbeat Act proves to be a solid law that will remain in place to save thousands of preborn babies.” 



Jonathan Saenz Gives A Video Update on the Texas Heartbeat Law and Our Forum

Jonathan Saenz gave a live update on the latest with the Heartbeat Law and the latest on the Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum.


Another Austin ISD Victory!

At last night’s SHAC meeting, Austin ISD announced that they have canceled their plans to teach sex education to students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade for the 2021-2022 school year. This victory comes after months of the Austin ISD SHAC drafting a sex education curriculum for kids as young as 5 that would introduce the topic of gender identity and other LGBT issues. The district also announced that schools will now have to ask parents’ permission to teach their children about human sexuality. Students will now have to Opt-In to human sexuality instruction and parents will have to sign a permission slip in order for kids to be taught sex education.


This week we announced that Texas State Senator Bob Hall, Nicole Hudgens with Family Policy Alliance; and Sue Liebel with Susan B Anthony List, will be speaking at our 4th Annual Texas Faith, Family & Freedom Forum Policy Event. Don't miss out on the valuable information all of the speakers will share at the event. Get your Tickets TODAY: 
 #ProLife #TxLege

Get your forum and dinner tickets today! Full


Last week we announced that Sen. Bryan Hughes,  co-author of the pro-life "Texas Heartbeat Law", will be speaking at our Faith, Family, and Freedom Forum and that Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director and pro-life activist will be our featured dinner speaker.   Texas Values has already announced that Christian Music Artist Danny Gokey, Gov. Greg Abbott, and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick will be at our Faith, Family, and Freedom Forum!

In addition, we have many new names.  At the 2021 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum you will hear from leaders from across the state and nation as they discuss family values in public policy – including life, marriage, religious freedom, and human sexuality.

You will also be educated by the leading experts in family policy in the legislature, courts, and media while being inspired by Texans just like you who are advancing pro-family values in the culture. More exciting speakers and news will be announced soon! Get yours before they are gone. 



Mark Your Calendars!

Houston on Saturday, November 6th

We are excited to announce that our 2021 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Gala will be in Houston on November 6th at The Westin Houston, Memorial City. Past Gala speakers have included Matthew West, Dennis Prager, U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Todd Starnes, Kevin Sorbo, Benham Brothers, and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.  

Speakers for our 2021 Gala and ticket/table sponsorship information will be announced soon! 

Please make plans to join us - you will not want to miss our marquee event of the year!

Last Week on Texas Values Report: Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson, Pro-Life Hero, Joins Host Jonathan Saenz

On last week's show, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by Pro-Life Champion Abby Johnson, founder of And Then There Were None, to talk about Pro-Life efforts and the Texas Faith, Family, and Freedom Forum on September 24th and 25th.  Watch here or  Listen here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


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900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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