We’re only eight months into Socialist control of Washington, and Americans are already feeling the effects of wasteful spending & Socialist economic policy.
We are all paying more for gas, groceries, & school supplies.
And to add insult to injury, now the trillions of dollars in out-of-control spending by the Left caused inflation to outpace wage growth by 1.5%! That means every working American can purchase 1.5% less with the same wage they made just seven months ago.
So not only are Americans not getting raises, the Radical Left wants us to accept the Biden pay-cut to pay for his Socialist agenda.
We’re headed for another recession if this keeps up.
Even now, D.C. Democrats are holding up essential infrastructure legislation that’s already bloated and chock-full of wasteful spending to try and extort Republicans for a $3.5 trillion Socialist slush fund.
Because even the Leftists themselves know their plan won’t and can’t pay for itself. The Socialists aren’t even bothering to lie about the “pay-fors” anymore. They don’t propose them.
That’s why we can’t risk even 1.5 more years of these Socialist Radicals having full power in D.C.
Join House Republicans and me as we fight back against their plan to take loans against our future, our children’s future, and our grandchildren’s future to enact radical policy now.
We must take back the House in 2022 to stop these radicals from ruining our country with inflation, insane spending, and a Socialist agenda most Americans reject.
Take the House!
Rep. Tom Emmer
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© Emmer for Congress 2021