Lobbyists and special interest groups are applying enormous pressure on corporate Democrats to weaken Bernie’s budget and keep drug prices high, stop concrete steps to address the climate crisis, keep big corporations from paying their fair share, and more. In response, as the Associated Press recently reported, Our Revolution is hosting protests (and launching ads) across the country to stop corporate Democrats from turning their backs on working people by doing the bidding of special interests. John, we are in the critical final stretch of passing Bernie’s budget, and we need to go all-out to counter lobbyist influence. Please pitch in now to help us hold corporate Democrats accountable and push Bernie’s bill over the finish line!
If corporate Democrats sell out working people, we will head into the midterms against an increasingly fascist Republican Party having to explain to voters why Democrats failed to keep promises to deliver transformational change despite controlling both chambers of Congress and the White House.
The bottom line is this: failure to keep our promises is not going to be explainable to the American people, and the consequences could be fatal for our democracy.
Rush a donation now to help us overcome corporate lobbyists and pass Bernie’s budget before it’s too late for our democracy!
If you’ve stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Our Revolution will process immediately.
In solidarity, Joseph Geevarghese Executive Director, Our Revolution
