Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Border Wall Update

Biden's open border policies have caused an unprecedented amount of drugs, gangs, and COVID cases to pour across our southern border. This cannot stand.

The Texas Facilities Commission announced they will award up to $11 million in funding for the border wall. This is excellent news!

We are another step closer to securing our border. Unfortunately, Biden has failed Americans at every turn, and refuses to fix the crisis he created.

As I write this, over 10,000 Haitian migrants are currently camping under a border bridge in Del Rio, with more expected to arrive. Biden canceled deportation flights back to Haiti, leaving our Border Patrol overwhelmed and overcapacity.

Like I have said before, while it is Biden's responsibility to address the ongoing problem at the border, Texas is stepping up. We are doing everything we can to finish the wall and secure our border for the safety of Texans.

To combat Biden's border crisis, Texas has extended a disaster declaration to 43 counties, providing more resources and strategies for our border officials. We have also approved an additional $1.8 billion for border security. Despite Biden putting a pause on border wall construction, Texas has taken the initiative to spend more than $750 million to finish the wall.

You can always count on Texas to get the job done. I will continue to keep you posted as we make more progress on border wall construction.

Our border is out of control and worsening by the second under Biden's inept leadership. More than ever, we need Republicans in office who will fight for a stronger border for the safety of Texans. As long as I am Lt. Governor, I will do everything I can to ensure a safe and secure border. May I count on your financial support of $5-10-25 or more today to help me continue fighting for stronger border security?

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May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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