September 17, 2021
Is Hillary Clinton is danger of being exposed in the Russian collusion hoax? In this episode I address the troubling details. I also debunk Biden’s latest BS on taxes.
FAA Shuts Down Drones Recording Biden’s Border Crisis
The border crisis has seemingly become a forgotten crisis of the Biden administration, and it’s looking like they don’t want the American public to remember it anytime soon.
“Shame Them!” – CNN’s Don Lemon Advocates Shunning the Unvaccinated
CNN continues becoming progressively more unwatchable, with host Don Lemon now advocating a bold new strategy of shunning the unvaccinated, saying that they deserve to be “left behind.”
Bill Maher Asks Liberal Media to Stop “Scaring the S—” Out of People About COVID
While a man of the left himself, Bill Maher has been a constant critic of his fellow ideologues on politically correctness and social justice insanity for decades now, and more recently has resisted the COVID-19 hysteria pushed by the liberal media.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991