We wanted to make sure you heard about this, team.

We wanted to make sure you heard about this, team:

AP HEADLINE: Biden, Dems push Civilian Climate Corps in echo of New Deal."

Democrats are calling for a Civilian Climate Corps, which would create HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of jobs and train young, everyday Americans to join the fight against climate change.

Future Forum Member Rep. Joe Neguse told the AP that, “this bold investment is a necessary response to the climate crisis and prioritizes the maintenance and upkeep of public lands” — and we couldn’t agree more. This program will help young adults give back through a combination of national service, career opportunities, and environmental impact — all while paying them a living wage.

Sign on to support the creation of a Civilian Climate Corps >>


From the recent climate disasters and extreme weather across our country, it’s clear that the effects of climate change are already having an impact. That’s why this program is so critical: It would mobilize young Americans to mitigate damage caused by extreme weather events while training people to become environmental sweards by planting trees, irrigating land, learning about renewable energy, and more.

We need to use every tool at our disposal to prepare our country for the realities of climate change. If you support the plan to create a Civilian Climate Corps, let us know TODAY >>


Thank you,

Future Forum HQ

Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. Will you help protect and expand our coalition in Congress by making a contribution today?

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