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"Democrats will eventually give them amnesty, just as they are giving amnesty to all the migrants that came before them."

The Washington Examiner tackled the topic most of the media is ignoring by publishing an important editorial yesterday on how the Biden administration's amnesty budget reconciliation provision will cost taxpayers and only make the border crisis worse:

"The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this Biden amnesty will cost taxpayers $140 billion for taxpayer-funded federal programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act over the next 10 years. But the long-term cost will be far higher. As illegal immigrants, migrants that work are currently a net bonus to our Social Security and Medicare systems. But if we give them amnesty and they are allowed to draw benefits from these programs, these illegal immigrants will end up costing taxpayers an additional $1 trillion over their lifetimes.

The designers of Biden's amnesty were careful not to include the tens of thousands of migrants Biden is currently ushering into our country every month. The cutoff day for eligibility is Jan. 1, 2021, before Biden created the border crisis."

With Democrats slipping the largest immigration amnesty in history into the budget reconciliation bill (in spite of the continued surge at the southern border), now is the time to stand for enforcement and immigration policies that protect our national interest.

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