Sept. 17, 2021


Photo by Phil Roeder via Flickr

Violent far-right accelerationists prepare to meet at the U.S. Capitol again

With far-right activists planning to gather in Washington, D.C., and other cities on Sept. 18 to protest the arrests of those involved in the attempted Jan. 6 overthrow of the presidential election, we look at how the prosecutions of the violent domestic terrorists known as "accelerationists" are progressing. (9/16/2021)

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Justices weigh conflicts of interest in a case about the N.C. legislature's power

The North Carolina NAACP is challenging the racially gerrymandered legislature's authority to put a voter ID question on the ballot, which voters passed in 2018. The state's highest court has postponed arguments while it decides whether two justices closely connected to the legislature must sit out the case. (9/13/2021)

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Hurricane Ida leaves a trail of oil

Hurricane Ida left an extensive trail of damaged homes, infrastructure, and lives from Louisiana to New England. It also has left a stain on the sea. Weeks after the storm, several federal and state agencies and some private companies are working to find and contain oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico. (9/12/2021)

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Over half of states have rolled back public health powers in pandemic

Among the states that have rolled back public health powers amid the COVID-19 pandemic are nine in the South: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia. (9/15/2021)

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Map by The Sentencing Project

Ending harsh felony disenfranchisement laws in the South

Though a lawsuit seeking to restore the voting rights of North Carolinians on probation or parole suffered setbacks in recent court rulings, the broader movement to re-enfranchise people with felony convictions has made gains in Southern states in recent years.


Julian Bond Fellowship application deadline this Monday, Sept. 20

Are you an early-career journalist or researcher who cares about justice and democracy in the South?

There's still time to apply for the Julian Bond Fellowship at the nonprofit Institute for Southern Studies, publisher of Facing South.

The Julian Bond Fellowship, named in honor of the civil rights legend and co-founder of the Institute, aims to promote new voices in Southern media and support early-career, public interest journalists and researchers in the South.

Now in its third year, the Fellowship is a nine-month, full-time position. Fellows will be provided a $5,000 monthly stipend, and additional resources for training, conferences, and research expenses. For the 2022 Fellowship, the Institute will accept applications for remote fellowships and those based at the Institute's offices in Durham, North Carolina.

Journalists and researchers of color are strongly encouraged to apply, as are others who believe their presence would contribute substantially to diversifying the media and public scholar landscape in the South. Candidates must have at least two to three years of experience writing for a public audience, and a demonstrated commitment to promoting justice and democracy.

The application deadline is Monday, Sept. 20, 2021 at 5 p.m. EDT. Visit here for more information or to submit an application. Questions? Email [email protected] (no calls, please).


Photo by Western Area Power via Flickr

How Entergy thwarted energy resilience in Louisiana

Hurricane Ida's devastation of Louisiana's electric grid and the deadly power outages that resulted show the risk that highly centralized generation systems present in an era of increasingly destructive climate change-driven weather events. Yet Entergy — a Fortune 500 company that's the main power provider for the hard-hit southeastern part of the state, including New Orleans — has fought plans to move toward cleaner community-based generation. Will Ida mark a turning point?


Facing South is published by the Institute for Southern Studies
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