Dear Friend,
Last night in New York, DRA’s Gala at the American Museum of Natural History was a night to remember! Thank you to everyone who supported and attended this extraordinary event. As those who attended heard, we have, since opening our doors in New York nine years ago, been working towards transforming the city’s sidewalks, theaters, taxis, emergency planning, polling places and the list goes on. We’re proud of these important victories and there is still so much to accomplish. 
We raised $450,000 to support DRA’s work to ensure New Yorkers ALL have access to education, police stations, juvenile justice, and even the MTA!  Your investment enables DRA to continue tackling the systemic, emergent, issues preventing Sasha, Rebecca, Dustin, echo and millions of other people with disabilities from participating in all this great city has to offer. Your support allows DRA to wage important civil rights battles—so that we ALL have a fair shot at participating equally in society.
DRA’s high-impact legal work requires time, talent, and resources.  There are many ways you can help:
Give: We are very close to raising funds to meet our $50,000 matching grant. If you didn’t get to participate in the text-to-pledge campaign last night, there’s still time! Text your pledge to 646-679-2372 today.
Watch: Learn more about DRA through our latest video highlighting the work DRA is doing in New York.
Share:  If you are inspired by what you learned, please share DRA’s story with your family, colleagues and friends. You can start by sending them this link to the DRA video.
Subscribe: If you want to know about DRA’s latest cases and events, sign-up to receive our e-news.
If you have other thoughts or other ways you want to get involved, we want to hear from you. E-mail [email protected] today.
Thank you for joining us last night and in the important battles ahead.

Kate, Stuart, & Michelle

Kate Hamilton, Stuart Seaborn, and Michelle Caiola

DRA wishes to thank all of our generous sponsors.

DRA advisor Evan Davis and guest during the cocktail hour in the Cullman Hall of the Universe
Emcee and DRA advisor Rebecca Alexander addresses the room
Cynthia Nixon poses with other DRA guests
View of the DRA gala dinner under the blue whale in the American Museum of Natural History
Disability Rights Advocates
675 Third Avenue, Suite 2216
New York, NY 10017
Disability Rights Advocates
2001 Center Street, Fourth Floor
Berkeley, CA 94704

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