Dear John,
Join Ceres all next week for Climate Week NYC 2021: Getting it done.
Taking place September 20-26, Climate Week returns in 2021 with a focus on fulfilling and increasing commitments made by businesses, governments, and organizations. It is the time and place where the world gathers to showcase leading climate action and discuss how to do more, fast.
Hosted annually by international non-profit the Climate Group in conjunction with the United Nations, and in partnership with the COP26 and the City of New York, Climate Week NYC is a global opportunity to come together to accelerate climate action and assess progress ahead of COP26.
Join us to hear from Mindy Lubber, Dawn Martin, Steven Rothstein, Kirsten Spalding, Dazzle Bhujwala, Lindsey White, and countless others all next week.
We've put together the summary below of Ceres events and partner events where our experts are featured. Register for the virtual events below and we'll see you next week! |
Ceres #ClimateWeekNYC Events | |

Walking the Talk on Climate Lobbying
September 22, 2021, 12pm ET
The impacts of climate change not only pose financial and material risks to companies and industries, but also systemic risk to financial markets writ large. Given the nature of this risk, all corporate action—including corporate lobbying—should be proportional to the risk faced and aligned with the latest science on climate change. Yet Ceres’ recent assessment of 96 large U.S.-based companies reveals that only 40% have engaged directly with lawmakers on science-based climate policies and only a handful are assessing and acting on misalignments found within their trade associations. In this session, participants will examine growing investor expectations on corporate
climate lobbying, identify how corporate systems can better align direct and indirect lobbying with climate risk assessments and explore opportunities that publicly advocate for science-based climate policy.
In this session, participants will:
Examine growing investor expectations on corporate climate lobbying
Identify how corporate systems can better align direct and indirect lobbying with climate risk assessments
Explore opportunities that publicly advocate for science-based climate policy
Evaluate how trade association engagement could be used to make a positive impact on climate policy
Moderator: Anne Kelly, Vice President, Government Relations, Ceres
Jake Barnett, Director, Sustainable Investment Services, Wespath Institutional Investments
Lio Barrera, Director, Government & Public Affairs, LafargeHolcim
More speakers to be confirmed soon

Shareholder Engagement Shaping Corporate Sustainability in the Real Economy
September 23, 2021, 5pm ET
2021 has been a landmark year for shareholder engagement on climate, sustainability and human rights. Record high majority votes, increasing numbers of 30%+ non-majority votes and new commitments from companies show that collaborative investor stewardship initiatives are driving impressive, sometimes surprising results. Join Ceres and CalPERS for a discussion on leading and innovative practices for corporate engagement.
In this session, participants will:
Review how leading pension funds are driving impactful company engagements with their stewardship policies and proxy voting guidelines
Identify tools and benchmarks for investors to assess company progress on Climate Action 100+, Responsible Policy Engagement, deforestation, biodiversity, and governance as well as resources on sectoral pathways for the energy transition
Examine how new investor net zero commitments are already driving company decarbonization in the real economy
Identify new mechanisms for holding companies accountable for delivering on shareholder requests
Jake Barnett, Director, Sustainable Investment Services, Wespath Institutional Investments
Anne Simpson, Managing Investment Director, Board Governance & Sustainability, CalPERS
Rev. Kirsten Spalding, Senior Program Director, Investor Network, Ceres

Strategies for Supporting Adoption of the Advanced Clean Truck Rule
September 24, 2021, 2pm ET
The Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule requires truck makers to sell an increasing number of clean, zero-emission trucks in place of diesel and gasoline to cut toxic fuel emissions in polluted communities. The goal is to expedite air quality improvements, reduce carbon emissions and support clean energy jobs in participating states. 60+ businesses, investors and institutions have backed this rule. However, more businesses, investors and states need to play a role in charting a new course for the country to protect public health while building a cleaner and more equitable economy.
In this session, participants will:
Explore how the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule can be adopted and rolled out over the next five years
Examine how high-level state policymakers and representatives of from major companies are and can support the rollout
Evaluate ways to get involved with the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule
Moderator: Alli Gold Roberts, Director, State Policy, Ceres
Kathleen A. Theoharides, Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts
Meg Villareal, Policy and Public Affairs, Nestlé
More speakers to be confirmed soon
Other #ClimateWeekNYC Events with Ceres Experts |

Sustainable Investment Forum North America 2021, in collaboration with Climate Week NYC
September 21, 23, 28, & 30, 2021
Ceres is partnering with Climate Action for SIF NA 2021, that will bring together asset owners and investment managers, institutional investors, pension funds, banks, development banks, policymakers, think tanks and NGOs to continue to build the momentum for sustainable finance and responsible investment.
Join Ceres experts during SIF NA 2021:
Sep 21, 9:35am ET: Dawn Martin, Executive VP & CPO, moderates a panel on whether a multilateral approach in US foreign policy under Biden can result in increased foreign investment and accelerate the drive for a green and inclusive recovery globally
Sep 21, 10:20am ET: Dazzle Bhujwala, Investor Network Director, speaks during "Changing Climate for Private Equity"
Sep 23, 9:45am ET: Rev. Kirsten Spalding, Investor Network Senior Program Director, joins a panel debate on "Understanding ESG ratings and performance: translating corporate performance and governance in sustainability into financial performance- as more investors choose ESG over traditional indexes with the differences between being an ESG ‘winner’ or ‘ loser’ become more meaningful?"
Sep 23, 12:05pm ET: Dawn M. Martin, Executive VP & CPO, interviews Tom Steyer, Co-Founder, Galvanize Climate Solutions Moderator on Climate Leader Insight. How Movement Capitalism Can Save the Planet

World Climate Forum North America
September 22, 2021
The World Climate Forum NORTH AMERICA 2021 takes place virtually during New York Climate Week and the UN General Assembly on September 22nd, as the second Forum in a series leading to COP26. The Forum will gather senior policymakers and high-level public and private actors for discussions on advancing net zero targets across all sectors, required to limit global warming to 1.5 degree and accelerate the green recovery.
Join Ceres expert Lindsey White, Director of the Ceres Investor Network, moderator for the panel "Build Back Better Together- Advancing the Green Recovery through Cross-Sectoral Coalitions and Financing of the Green Transition," with keynote remarks by Tom Steyer, on Sep 22, 11-11:30am ET. |

The HUB LIVE at Climate Week NYC
Fast Tracking Finance: The crucial role of investors and financers in the Climate Decade
September 22, 2021, 12pm ET
The renewed US domestic climate agenda will drive demand for green innovation and investments with new approaches to scaling up finance for climate-aligned sectors and infrastructure. According to a recent Princeton University study, Net Zero America, in order for the United States to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by 2050 it would require at least $2.5 trillion in upfront additional capital investment over the next decade. Yet, the cost for inaction and the impact on the environment, human health and the economy is immeasurable. What the broader financial community does now will help determine the fate of the planet on which humanity relies. This session will
explore the innovations and pathways needed for the financial system to accelerate investments toward a zero-carbon economy.
Ceres CEO & President Mindy Lubber joins an impressive lineup of HUB live speakers for the Fast Tracking Finance event.
Mindy also has an "Executive Interview with Anne Finucane, Bank of America" that will be streamed during the HUB LIVE on the 22nd. Register for the HUB Live today. |

Create Opportunity and Climate Justice with Financial Accountability (part of Climate Week NYC)
September 22, 2021, 2pm ET | 11am PT
The priorities of local elected officials have evolved from filling potholes and trash collection to addressing racial and economic inequality, exacerbated by the climate crisis. What are the leadership and investment ecosystem elements required for a city leader to succeed in the 21st century? This panel of experts discuss the roles of public-private partnerships, federal investment, philanthropy, and municipal debt to address climate risk and inequality.
Ceres expert Steven Rothstein, Managing Director, Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets will join ICLEI, Jacqueline Burton of the Ford Foundation, and Dr. Luis Aguirre-Torres from the City of Ithaca, NY, to discuss the importance of financial inclusion to advance climate justice. |