
Donald Trump’s path back to the White House depends on delegitimizing our democracy — and with his Republican base, it appears to be working.

A CNN poll out this week showed that 59% of self-identified Republicans say “believing that Donald Trump won the 2020 election” is important to what being a Republican means to them.

Just think about that for a moment. That’s absolutely bonkers.

Trump has created an abhorrent precedent with his Big Lie about the 2020 election where Republican candidates will deny election results every time they lose. It’s the same playbook he’s used since his first run for office. And candidates running in GOP primaries who repeat his lies will win every time.

The Republican Party can no longer save itself from the authoritarian zeal Trump inspired in its voting base. And so-called leaders like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy don’t have the guts to try changing it. In fact, they’ve succumbed to it.

So, it’s up to us to stand strong. You are essential to the success of our democracy for another two hundred years. We need you to stand with us and resist GOP efforts to moves us towards an American form of dictatorship.

Can you pitch in right now to help us defend our House and Senate majorities, fight back against GOP lies, and win the midterms — just as you helped us crush the Republican-led recall in California?

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As soon as the polls showed that Gavin Newsom might defeat the California recall election, Trump told his same old lies about voter fraud and declared the election rigged. The leading Republican contender parroted those lies to whip up the fury of his anti-vax, anti-democracy, conspiracy-fueled base.

It’s ridiculous. It's an embarrassment to our nation. It’s also dangerous. And we must stand up to it before this spirals even further out of our control.

By delegitimizing free and fair elections, Trump’s redefining the values and principles of GOP supporters. He’s subverting our country’s democracy for the sake of his fragile ego, and he’s swinging the door wide open for GOP candidates to claim “voter fraud” any time they disagree with an election’s outcome. It’s appalling.

The GOP is disenfranchising millions of Americans ahead of the midterm elections because they know the majority of voters don’t support their shameless attempts to undermine our democracy. They can’t win elections where everyone votes.

That’s why we need our coalition of grassroots supporters to do everything possible to elect new and incumbent Democrats to the House and Senate next November.

If you can afford it, can you chip in right now to help protect and expand our Democratic majorities? We can’t risk losing a single seat to the Republican Party. Their ideology has become too dangerous to be given any chance to govern.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Together, we have the duty to protect our democracy from Donald Trump’s tyranny of lies. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We will prove that Trump’s craven tactics have no place in our country.

Thank you for your support.

— Adam