I'm packing up to head back to Tallahassee for the first of six committee weeks preparing for the 2022 Legislative Session. 


Excited? You shouldn't be... We know the Republican Legislature will:


❌Ban abortions in Florida

❌Push anti-vaccine and anti-mask measures that will prolong this pandemic

❌Gerrymander themselves into a supermajority by taking OUR seat


I need your help fighting back, we cannot let them win. We won by the smallest margin anywhere in the state last year so we know they are coming and we must hold the line here. Please join me and let's flip Florida blue!


If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Andrew for Florida Fundraising Record
[email protected]
Last Contribution Date: No donor history
Total 2022 Contribution Amount: No donor history


Thank you, let's get to work!
