Hello all,
We had another great Canvassing Training this past Saturday where we got into the nitty gritty of how to knock doors, what to expect, and what our overall goals are for the DSA For Bernie campaign. We're ready to hit the streets and start knocking doors for Bernie!
Our first round of door-to-door canvassing will be on Sunday November 10th from Noon to 5:00pm. We are not expecting folks to canvass for the full 5 hours, but rather that will be the range of hours in which you canvass (so no worries if you come after Noon or leave before 5:00). More details to come on where we'll meet up and which neighborhoods we'll be canvassing.
To RSVP for November 10th canvassing, click here:
In addition, the Young Democratic Socialists is participating in the University of Memphis Homecoming on the weekend of November 1st. Below is a list of events during which YDS believes it would be appropriate and efficient for DSA for Bernie canvassing and DSA/YDS recruitment.
You can email/text Tre Black - Chair and founder of YDS - at 901-239-3316 or [email protected] to sign up to help us out!
List of homecoming events:
Lastly, if you are ready to start knocking doors now, we highly encourage everyone to help the Michalyn Easter-Thomas for City Council District 7 campaign canvass for the run-off election on November 14th.
Michalyn has received our chapter's endorsement and her winning Council District 7 would be a huge victory for progressive politics in Memphis. This is a great way to support a very exciting campaign and gain meaningful experience knocking doors.
Her campaign is phone banking every Friday and canvassing and phone banking every Saturday from now till November 9th. If you are interested in volunteering for the campaign, sign up here:
Visit and like Michalyn Easter-Thomas’ Facebook page to see all volunteer events:
Thanks everyone, we’re so excited to get the campaign off the ground!
In solidarity,
DSA For Bernie Organizing Committee