From Hannah Markus <>
Subject Last Chance to Sign-On! Tell Congress What's at Stake for America's Families
Date September 17, 2021 11:59 AM
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Health Advocates,

This week’s actions in Congress show that we are at a critical moment to secure our health priorities in the buget reconcilation package. It's time to band together, raise our voices, and fight for the health and health care our families deserve. We’re here to support you in this endeavor.

** Upcoming Actions
Families USA Call-In Day ([link removed]) - On Wednesday, September 22nd join us in calling members of congress and telling them to seize this moment by passing big and bold legislation. We created this toolkit ([link removed]) that compiles all the resources you'll need to raise your voice. Find your members' contact information, a sample phone script, emails, and more!

Thursday30 ([link removed]) - Make sure to head to twitter with other advocates next week (9/23) from 12:00-12:30PM ET to #UniteForHealthCare and dial up the pressure on Congress to center health in the upcoming package! Find sample social posts in this toolkit ([link removed]) , which we update and add to weekly.

Sign-On Opportunities
Last Chance to Sign-On! Coverage Gap Sign-On Letter to U.S. Democratic Senators ([link removed])
The Southerners for Medicaid Expansion Coalition is gathering signatures from organizations across the country to sign-on to this letter that asks Democrat senators to support closing America’s coverage gap. Sign on to this letter ([link removed]) by TODAY at 10am ET/9am CT/8am MT/7am PT.

Sign On Letter: Thank You for Advancing Medicare Dental ([link removed])
Please join this sign on letter to: 1) thank the key committees in the House of Representatives for their work to advance Medicare dental coverage, 2) encourage the House and Senate to make improvements, and 3) emphasize that now is moment for the House and Senate to deliver on Medicare oral heath coverage. Sign on to this letter ([link removed]) by next Wednesday, September 22 at 6pm ET/5pm CT/4pm MT/3pm PT.

Sign On: Letter to House on Lowering Rx Prices ([link removed])
Join AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Families USA, Protect Our Care, and Public Citizen in urging the House of Representatives to pass meaningful drug pricing reforms that will lower the cost of prescription drugs for all of America's families, regardless of where they receive health coverage. Sign on to this letter ([link removed]) by next Wednesday, September 22 at 5pm ET/4pm CT/3pm MT/2pm PT.

** Resources for Your Advocacy

* Families USA Report: What's at Stake for America's Families: Why Congress Must Go Big and Bold in Reconcilation to Improve Health and Health Care for Millions of People ([link removed])
+ Use this new report with state-specific data and updated messaging to support advocacy in your state.
* Patients for Affordable Drugs Now, Protect Our Care, & Data for Progess: State and District-Level Support For Lowering Prescription Drug Prices in the Build Back Better Budget ([link removed])
* Consumers First Comment: Consumers First Submits Comments to CMS on CY2022 Physician Payment Rule Laying Out Vision for Telehealth Payment and Delivery Beyond the Pandemic ([link removed])

To your health,

Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

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Health Action Network

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