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Dear John,

COP26 is just over a month away and UK banks are still pouring billions into dangerous fossil fuels projects. [1] Every day we’re seeing the deadly consequences of the climate crisis  - communities all over the world are hurting. We know that the big banks only care about short-term profits, so they won’t put an end to this themselves. But together, we can use our democratic powers to stop them. And the next few weeks are crucial.

All eyes will be on the UK at COP. So, Positive Money supporters are rallying as many MPs as possible to sign our open letter to the Governor of the Bank of England demanding an end to fossil fuel finance. [2] This is a massive opportunity to push our central bank to take the lead on tackling climate change.

When MPs hear from thousands of their constituents at once, they have to take notice. John, please will you email your MP now to ask them to sign the letter? There’s ready-made text so it will just take a couple of minutes:

The Bank of England now has a mandate to protect our environment -  so it could start by regulating risky fossil fuel lending and stopping UK banks funding climate chaos. [3] This would be a huge step forward, and could have a ripple effect on central banks around the world.

It's our MPs job to hold the Bank of England governors to account. And over 50 MPs and peers have already signed this letter, John. That leaves 600 more for us to ask to add their names. If thousands of us email our MPs today, together we can show our policymakers that thousands of us want the banks to stop funding toxic polluters.

Taking on big finance has been at the heart of the Positive Money movement since we started in 2010. We started campaigning together because we believed that money and banks should be tools that serve society, not the other way around. Back in February, over 60,000 of us demanded Chancellor Rishi Sunak give the Bank of England a mandate to protect our planet. [4] And he listened. Now the Bank has the mandate, we need to make sure its governor starts using it.

We have the power to win a greener financial system John, we just need everyone to come together to demand it. Together, let’s show MPs and the Bank of England how many of us want them to take urgent action to tackle the climate crisis by ending fossil finance for good. Please will you help win a green financial system by emailing your MP in 2 minutes now?


Thanks for all that you do,


Nicole, Rachel, and the entire Positive Money team



[1] COP26 is the big UN climate conference that happens once every five years. This year the UK is hosting it in Glasgow from 6th November:


Rainforest Action Network - Banking on Climate Chaos:


[2] See the letter and list of current signatories here:


[3] Positive Money Blog - Big win: New Green Mandate for the Bank of England:


[4] Positive Money Blog - Surprise for Sunak:


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