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Friday, September 17th, 2021


The Great Unmasking

Bill Sardi

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Has Exposed Google as a ‘Vaccine’ Company


The Absolute State of Money in 2021

Robert P. Murphy

A Final Warning To Humanity From Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon


The Unsung Death of ‘My Body, My Choice’

Jack Cashill

Another Covid ‘Fact’ Turns Out To Be a Wild Exaggeration

Issues & Insights

If Trudeau Loses Next Week, I Sincerely Hope It Marks the Beginning of the End for Wokeness

Paul A. Nuttall

The Funny-Money Game

Alasdair Macleod

The Vaccinated Sheep Are Being Taken for a Ride; How Long Before They Jump Off The Train? Never?

Jon Rappoport

The Truth About Vaccines & Covid w/Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology, Robert Malone


Covid Cases Explode In Heavily Pfizer Vaccinated Israel

Paul Craig Roberts


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