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If you only read one thing about Boris Johnson’s deal, make it this.
Dear Brexiteer,
After more than three years of delays and parliamentary games there is a powerful sense of wanting to ‘just get Brexit done’. Feelings of Brexit fatigue have led some Leavers to welcome Boris Johnson’s deal as the best we are likely to get.

That is understandable. But it is a mistake. The Prime Minister’s deal is not a proper Brexit. It is far removed from what 17.4m of us voted for in 2016.

I can only suppose that pro-Brexit MPs backing the deal have not actually read the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and the important Political Declaration (PD) that goes with it. These make up a new European Treaty that reheats 95 per cent of Theresa May’s deal.
Let’s compare it to what we thought we would get when we voted Leave. If it is passed into law, the PM’s Treaty will mean:
We pay the EU billions and get nothing in return.
The Treaty commits us to pay a sum to be decided by the EU (WA, Part Five). The £39bn payment demanded is likely to be just the start, with billions more to follow. Does that sound like the Brexit you voted for?

Can any Brexiteer inclined to support this Treaty honestly say that it amounts to a proper Brexit? A Clean-Break Brexit remains the best deal for Britain. We need a General Election for a Leaver alliance to win a big majority and make Brexit a reality.

Nigel Farage

Leader of The Brexit Party
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