Dear Patriot, You and I have come so far together!
Your Campaign for Liberty was founded 13 years ago to continue the r3VOLution we started
in 2007, in the midst of two wars and a Federal Reserve-fueled meltdown of financial markets.
My 2008 presidential campaign was a real eye opener for me personally. I learned that individual liberty, constitutional government, sound
money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy were more popular than I had even envisioned.
That’s why the founding of Campaign for Liberty in 2008 to carry on that mission was so critical, and I can’t thank you enough for
so many years of support and hard work to protect our liberties. With Constitution Day coming
up tomorrow, recognizing September 17, 1787, when our founding document was ratified, I cannot help but also reflect on the beginning of Campaign for
Liberty. The launch of Campaign for Liberty at the Rally for the Republic in
2008. American troops are finally (for the most part) out of Afghanistan
and Iraq -- albeit after a disastrous withdrawal -- but the war drums are still pounding. And
now we’re facing unprecedented tyranny with the response to the COVID outbreak and fighting on multiple fronts. The work we did in 2007 and 2008 is what has prepared us for this even BIGGER battle for our personal freedom and individual
liberty. Patriot, if I could go back in time, I would tell all our
movement’s supporters the work they were doing back then was more important to our future than they could even imagine.
Yes, we’re still facing down a Federal Reserve run amok, but we’re closer than ever to exposing the central
bank and their insider pals for the robber barons they really are. Just think -- when I first
ran for office, few people even understood what the Federal Reserve was. Now, nearly 80% of American citizens support our efforts to audit the Fed!
And now, with the financial disaster that is upon us as a result of the unprecedented measures
taken in response to the coronavirus, people are actually waking up to the need to END the Fed and legalize sound money and even competing currencies.
It’s safe to say organizations like Campaign for Liberty are needed now more than ever,
and we are certainly up to the task of waging the battles against the authoritarians, including the medical tyrants who are threatening our way of
life. The political battles you and I face over the tyrannical lockdowns, loss of medical
freedom, and the Big Tech-sponsored tracing and tracking will be ongoing for quite some time into the future.
Patriot, have you ever seen more people waking up at one time than they are now? I certainly
haven’t . . . which is why I remain so optimistic!
We know what the politicians and bureaucrats are doing is wrong -- and so do they -- but they are digging their heels in.
We even have a president who attempted to demonize 80 million Americans in one speech, just a
week ago today. And just because of their personal medical decision to opt out of a hastily developed, unproven, experimental drug!
That kind of verbal attack from the executive branch is one reason why we continue to fight and not let them get
away with it. If you believe like I do that the eternal battle for
liberty is just getting started, won’t you please consider a generous donation of $50, $150, or even $250 to mark Constitution Day and the
founding of Campaign for Liberty? And if that’s too much to part with right
now, would you consider $10 or
$25? They’re not counting on your resolve to defend our Constitution and
Bill of Rights, no matter what the cost, and that’s where they always fail in the long run.
As Campaign for Liberty charges into our 14th year of focused and dedicated grassroots activism, I remain amazed and humbled at how much we have
accomplished together over the years. I’m very proud of the determination and dedication
of our grassroots supporters like you, Patriot. I think it’s quite appropriate we are
looking back at the last 13 years of our activism since “Constitution Day” is tomorrow.
For me, the Constitution is more than just a founding document -- it’s the culmination of the ideas that have been around for centuries.
And the Constitution is what guides Campaign for Liberty every single day. We are fortunate to live in the country founded on the principles limiting the powers of government.
With your help, you and I can restore our Republic and bind the government down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.
It’s been an honor to stand with you for so many years, and I want to personally thank you for your
hard work, dedication, and devotion to the cause of liberty. As you know, the battles
for liberty take time, energy, and money. If
you can, please make a special Constitution Day and C4L Anniversary contribution of $50, $150, or even $250 right away to help C4L keep fighting to
defend our liberties and beat back the medical tyranny. For Liberty,
 Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. Constitution Day always makes me reflect on our Campaign for Liberty, which continues to have great success.
Supporters like you who stood strong with us through many battles over the past 13 years have made this fight worth every
moment. Please know I’m extremely grateful for all of your support, whether it be financial or the phone calls, petitions, and activist efforts.
Thank you for everything. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. ________________________________________________
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy.