Special Session Alert

Save Women's Sports on Third Special Session Agenda!

Texas' third special session (and likely last for this year) is mere days away and presents yet another opportunity on the Save Women's Sports issue, which Governor Greg Abbott has indicated in a priority to pass by including this issue on special session agenda. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced today that the Save Women's Sports issue is a priority of his, and that the bill will be Senate Bill 3, carried by Senator Charles Perry. This latest special session will begin Monday, September 20, at 10AM.

The Texas Senate successfully passed two bills on the issue of fair play in the First Called Special Session that began July 8th, only to have the bills die in the House during the Democrats' quorum break. During the second special session the Senate also passed SB 2, a fair play bill focusing on high school sports, where it finally died in the House Public Education Committee.

Time on the clock is running out to get legislation passed saving women's sports. We have worked tirelessly on this issue, but it's time for the Texas House leadership, led by Speaker Dade Phelan, to step up and do their part. Bills will be filed soon! This bill CANNOT be sent to the House Public Education Committee, where it has already died several times.

We need you to call and email Texas House members and demand they support Save Women's Sports legislation this special session! 

This is a serious issue where women could not only lose their opportunity to fairly compete in sports, but also lose scholarships and future career opportunities.

When we ignore biological reality, girls are hurt. In athletics, girls are losing medals, podium spots, public recognition, and opportunities to compete.

Science and common sense tell us that males are generally bigger, faster, and stronger than females. They have larger hearts and lungs, denser bones, and stronger muscles. No amount of hormone therapy can undo all those advantages.

Take action today!

We will be continuing our timely work on this and many other issues this special session, please prayerfully consider giving a donation today!

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


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