One step forward and two steps back, John --

If we’re going to Flip the Senate in 2020, then we have to win the Maine Senate race and kick Susan Collins out of office.

The good news is that Collins’ opponent, Sara Gideon, actually outraised her in the last financial quarter -- amazing!

The bad news is Collins’ has a historic and unsettling cash-on-hand advantage of more than $7 million total -- not great!

This scenario is playing out in other Senate races, too. Republican incumbents have a tremendous cash advantage right now, and it could prove to be a decisive advantage when the votes are counted next year.

That is, unless we do something about. Rush a donation of $10 or any amount that is meaningful to you if you want to help us Flip the Senate and kick Republicans like Susan Collins out of office.
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It’s critical that Democrats gain at least four seats and Flip the Senate, which is why your donation is so important today.

All our best,

— Flip the Senate
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