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 News of the Week

Older Adults in the U.S. Suffering Greater COVID Hardships Than Other Wealthy Nations, Report Says
A Commonwealth Fund survey of 18,000 older residents across 10 different countries found that American seniors were more likely to have depleted their savings, lost income and gone without vital medical care during the pandemic.
The city activated its flash flooding alerts 13 times so far this year, and nine times last year, according to John Scrivani, commissioner of the city’s Department of Emergency Management Department. 
Sliwa, who is unlikely to win the mayor’s race because of the high numbers of Democrats in New York, criticized Adams’ hobnobbing with city elites and trendy teenage TikTokers, claiming that the Brooklyn Borough President was more fixed on “keeping up with the Kardashians” and “raising the roof” than he was on the issues facing the city.

Dem Mayoral Nominee Eric Adams Promises To Change NYC’s ‘Anti-Business’ Reputation
'This is going to be a place where we welcome business and not turn into the dysfunctional city that we have been for so many years,' Adams said, discussing a multi-pronged plan that includes tax incentives and zoning changes to woo growing industries like cybersecurity and blockchain, and offer free or subsidized childcare for parents.

As Conditions at Rikers Reach Crisis Levels, Concerns About Heat Persist
Dozens of men splitting a single jug of water, sweating walls in cell units, inmates sucking air from cracks under doors—these are just some of the conditions inmates and advocates have reported from Rikers Island over the past few months. 

Gov. Hochul Signs Bill Restricting NY Car Sales to Zero-Emission Vehicles After 2035
After the city suffered deadly flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Ida, Gov. Kathy Hochul promises a new era, signs off on climate legislation and launches climate justice fellowship. 

‘They Were Uninhabitable’—Ex-Landlords Leave Raft of Hazards at Former Bronx Cluster Sites

“It’s unsettling. It’s just dirty. I appreciate having a place, but I’d appreciate it if it were livable.”

--Latarsha Haynes, a mother and former 311 operator who left her job to recover from back surgery.

Una Ciudad Sin Límites

Lo que necesita saber sobre: ¿cómo obtener ayuda si ha sufrido daños por la tormenta Ida en Nueva York?
Además de las ayudas federales que maneja la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) hay recursos adicionales para las personas afectadas por las inundaciones disponibles a través de la ciudad y el estado de Nueva York, varias de estas disponibles para personas indocumentadas.

¿Cómo ha cambiado la población latina en la última década según los datos del censo?
La población latina de la ciudad de Nueva York creció en total 6.6 por ciento y el crecimiento de la población en general de la ciudad fue de 7.7 por ciento, pero a pesar de esto parece que va a perder un representante en el Congreso.

“From babies to teachers to police officers, no one is immune to the dangers of a city that continues to prioritize the convenience of drivers over saving human lives.”

-- Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Danny Harris
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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: This Year, NYC Schools Must Invest in Language Access to Help Immigrant Students Catch Up
‘Limited English Proficient (LEP) parents have a legal right to have access to information in their preferred languages. This is not an optional service for the NYC Department of Education, it’s the law.’

Opinion: In NYC Land Use Debates, YIMBYs and NIMBYs Can Find Common Ground
‘Our city has long suffered from a lack of housing and mistrust from our elected officials. But by reaching out to people who disagree and remain circumspect of city proposals, I believe that a pathway to understanding and producing opportunities for working-class families is the connection to lower the rhetoric and find ways to work together.’

Opinion: City and State Leaders Fail to Protect New Yorkers from Auto Violence
‘The loss of an innocent baby as well as five other individuals in just one weekend is more heartbreaking evidence that New York City’s lame efforts to protect its people from arrogant, irresponsible, and entitled automobile drivers has been an epic failure.’
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