Hi John,

Precious Life's heroic volunteers will be out on the streets again this Saturday for our weekly Street Outreach - collecting signatures from the public for our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign and distributing our pro-life information. Come along and join us in Belfast.

You can also join us this coming week outside the abortion centres in Northern Ireland. Come along and hold a sign or simply stand praying silently as we continue offering help and life-affirming alternatives to women.

Give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

If you haven't already contacted your MLAs to ask them to oppose the Green Party Abortion Zone Bill, please follow the link to our ACTION ALERT

And remember, the documentary "Irelands Fall: The Abortion Deception" will be available to watch this coming Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm (postponed from 14th Sept). Please WATCH and SHARE this powerful new documentary that tells the inside story of the 2018 abortion referendum. More information can be found here...

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
ACTION ALERT - Abortion Zone Bill must be rejected

Tell your MLAs to oppose Clare Bailey's draconian, oppressive and discriminatory 'Abortion Zone' Bill...


Alliance Party support Green Party Bill to criminalise pro-lifers

the Alliance Party Leader and Justice Minister response to Clare Bailey's Abortion Bill was - "Excellent... You can be assured of my and my Department's support..." 

Read Full Story...

SDLP hypocrisy exposed - It's one law for them... and another law for us

Protesters need to be zoned out ...unless you're an SDLP protester. 

Read Full Story...

IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life

Powerful documentary.. WATCH and SHARE TRAILER...

Please WATCH and SHARE Trailer
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