Hi John,
We’re racing towards our mid-month deadline tonight at midnight, so we wanted to quickly check in with you and share your supporter record.
Right now, here’s what we have on file for you. Please update your donor record by chipping in before our mid-month deadline tonight at midnight.
Supporter Record for John
Email: [email protected]
Year to Date Total: $0
Suggested donation: $10
(*If you've donated recently, in the mail, or with a different email address, your record might not yet reflect your contribution. Thank you for your support!)
Even if you haven’t had a chance to chip in to protect our House majority, we’re so grateful to have you on this grassroots team.
We need to show national Republicans just how strong our movement is. But if we miss our mid-month fundraising deadline today, we’ll be way off track to meet our quarterly goal.
Your contribution of $10 or more before our mid-month deadline tonight at midnight is critical to building the resources we’ll need to keep our House majority in 2022.
Thank you,
Hold the House