
During her tenure as the Secretary of Education under the Trump Administration, Betsy DeVos worked to severely weaken the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, which enforces numerous protections against discrimination in schools.

One such protection they compromised is the Title IX regulation, which protects student sexual assault survivors and supports the civil rights of all students.

These changes created by the Trump administration force sexual assault survivors to overcome extremely arduous steps when the school investigates their sexual harassment complaints -- steps that aren’t required for school investigations of any other type of student or staff misconduct.

While the Biden administration has announced plans to undo the Trump Administration’s attack on student survivors, the Department of Education doesn’t plan to propose fixes to Betsy DeVos’s Title IX rule until May of 2022 — nearly a year from now.

We already had to deal with Betsy DeVos not enforcing federal protections for survivors, we cannot wait until May of next year, especially since fifty percent of all sexual assaults on campus occur between August and Thanksgiving break.

Will you stand with DFA to demand U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona end Betsy DeVos' dangerous Title IX rule now?

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President Obama put these Title IX protections in place because too many survivors were afraid to come forward.

But, from the first moments Betsy DeVos took power in the Trump Administration, survivors have been forced back into the shadows.

Requiring colleges and universities to conduct prompt investigations and provide support to victims of sexual assault shouldn’t be up for debate.

We must stand up against injustice, violence, and suffering. Unnecessarily waiting until May will lead to further suffering of students, especially women, in our schools.

Survivors of campus sexual assault and harassment deserve our support now.

We cannot let this Betsy DeVos era policy continue to stay in place for another day. It's time to fight back. Sign the petition: Tell Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to end Betsy DeVos' dangerous Title IX rule now.

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Thank you for raising your voice against this Betsy DeVos era rule that continues to harm to sexual assault survivors.

- Tre

Tre Graves
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America

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