Elizabeth Warren says "We're running out of time."

Missed the Zoom call with Elizabeth Warren, Pramila Jayapal, Brendan Boyle, and Heather McGhee last night?

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Watch Elizabeth Warren, Pramila Jayapal, and Brendan Boyle on mobilizing to include a wealth tax in Democrats' Build Back Better plan.

On a national call hosted by Americans For Tax Fairness which the PCCC partnered on, Elizabeth Warren gave 3 reasons Democrats should include a wealth tax in the $3.5 trillion Build Back Better plan for clean energy and human infrastructure:

  1. We need to invest the money.
  2. It's the only way to make the system fairer.
  3. This is what America wants us to do. This doesn't make it harder to make investments in childcare and fighting climate change. It makes it easier.

But with Congress hashing out the details of the plan this week and next, Warren had this warning: "This is it. This is our chance, and we are running out of time."

Can you call your members of Congress right now and tell them you support paying for the $3.5 trillion Build Back Better investments by making billionaires pay their fair share?

YES - I'll call Representative Brendan Boyle and Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey now. Give me their phone numbers and a call script.

NO - I can't call right now, but I can chip in $3 to support PCCC's ongoing organizing to make billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg pay their fair share!

On the call, Warren said while we have a majority in the House, a majority in the Senate, and a Democrat in the White House, Democrats are setting the stage for where America is going next as a nation. Warren spoke to many of the investments the Build Back Better plan will make:

"Universal child care, universal pre-K, raising the wages of every childcare worker and preschool teacher in America. This what that will mean for the 1 in 4 mothers who are not in work right now and say the problem is childcare. It's good for the mommies and daddies that want to go to work, good for the childcare workers, and good for our babies.

"We also are talking about making an investment in community colleges and historically black colleges and universities. Big investments to create more opportunities for people who've been shut out for far too long.

"Investments in getting more housing in America. Housing for low-income folks and housing for middle-income folks. Housing for seniors, housing for people with disabilities, housing for people who were previously incarcerated.

"We're talking about expanding Medicare, lowering the age of eligibility to 62 -- that's still on the table. We're talking about expanding the coverage for Medicare: hearing, dental, vision. Things people really need. And, expanding the program overall so the states that have cut out their citizens -- so those people have a chance to be covered too.

"We've got a lot here, and -- the biggest investment ever in fighting climate change."

Then Warren added "Here's the thing. This is not simply about where we can invest. This is also about how we make this a better country if we ask those at the top to pay a wealth tax. When we say we're going to pay for this package by making billionaires step up and carry their end of this bucket, we are actually producing a plan that is more popular across the board."

Can you call your members of Congress today and urge them to pay for these Build Back Better investments by making billionaires pay their fair share?

YES - I'll call Representative Brendan Boyle and Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey now.

NO - I can't call right now, but I will donate to the PCCC's ongoing work to make billionaires pay their fair share.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is proud to be partners on this push with Americans For Tax Fairness, MoveOn, Indivisible, Patriotic Millionaires, Tax March, Moms Rising, Public Citizen, Our Revolution, Health Care For America Now, People's Action, Coalition On Human Needs, CAP Action, Network, Faith in Public Life, and unions including the AFL-CIO, SEIU, CWA, NAACP, NEA, AFT, and UFCW.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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