Millions of children are being exposed to hardcore porn and being robbed of a safe, healthy life.
The addiction, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, and sexual victimization associated with porn use are destrotying the lives and futures of children worldwide.
Meanwhile, Big Porn and Big Tech are raking in billions while harvesting the innocence of children.
But your gift can fuel the Protect Children Not Porn movement and empower effective online child protection measures worldwide.
When you give, you’ll help provide essential funds to...
Open millions of eyes
Reach the world with our animated video and our documentary film, Raised on Porn. This media content will help educate the masses, and raise an outcry that demands reform.
Gather millions of voices
Boost global visibility for the campaign petition, which demands age verification, with ID, on all sites hosting explicit content.
Protect millions of lives
Direct public pressure toward Big Porn, Big Tech, and legislators to pass laws requiring age verification on porn sites, providing unprecedented protection for millions of children.
What you sow today could have a lifelong impact on a child.
And if you give monthly at $25 or more, we’ll send you an official campaign t-shirt.
Will you give a gift, of any amount, to protect children?