
I’m reaching out quickly tonight because my team just sent over this fundraising report.

It looks like a number of people stepped to the plate after they sent this urgent message, but you didn’t.

And, now, we’re still looking at a $2,018 shortfall that needs to be made up tonight.

That’s why I had to get in touch with you one last time, Friend.

We have to reach this if we want any shot at pushing back against Joe Biden’s tyrannical coronavirus mandates or his fatal Afghanistan blunders.

So, please, if you have just 2 minutes to rush in one final time before the clock runs out, I’m asking for your urgent support right now!

Thank you for helping us reach this goal on an extremely important week for our mission!

-Brian Mast

Sent from my iPhone.
---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Mast Finance Team
Date: Wed, Sept. 15, 2021 at 3:30 PM 
Subject: We're sending the numbers soon...

Today is a major financial deadline for our campaign, and we’re going to be sending our latest fundraising numbers to Brian here in just a few minutes… 

But before we do, we could really use one last push of support - these numbers aren’t anywhere near the mark of where we need them to be if the goal is going to be met tonight!

Please, the clock is counting down:
We need to raise another $4,220 to avoid budget cuts before midnight.

We can’t afford to fall short, especially with a Democrat President in charge who is more focused on OPTICS than on the Americans who are STILL stranded overseas in Afghanistan.

Plus, the anniversary of the day Brian lost his legs in this very mission is on Sunday… given everything going on for him this week, we can’t let Brian down with poor fundraising numbers on top of everything else!

We know, especially this week, that Brian would love to see your name, Friend, on the list of donors!

Thank you for the quick support,
Mast Finance Team