Dear John,
I’m sure that by now, you’ve heard the incredible news in the pro-life movement out of the state of Texas!
The Texas Heartbeat Act (S.B. 8) was enacted on September 1, which means performing abortions on preborn children after their heartbeat is detected is prohibited. With the vast majority of abortions in Texas taking place when a heartbeat is detected (normally between six and eight weeks), this legislation stands to protect tens of thousands of children from abortion every year.
To celebrate this historic victory for the pro-life movement, Human Coalition has released NEW Texas Heartbeat Act t-shirts so that pro-life champions like you can show your support for this new law:

Whether you’re a pro-life Texan excited to see preborn children protected in your home state, or you’re a pro-life partner fighting to defend life in another state, these shirts are a great way to spread the word that you stand for life.
As exciting as this moment is, we also can’t forget that the fight for life is not over – even in Texas. Regardless of whether abortions are available or not, women facing unexpected pregnancies need care, love, support, and resources to overcome their challenges so that abortion does not feel like the only option they have.
That’s why your continued partnership is so important!
With your prayers and support, Human Coalition will continue growing the National Rescue System to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary.
Because every preborn child matters... every mother matters... and every heartbeat matters.
For Life,
Jeff Bradford