Tell POTUS you want a carbon price; new cosponsors sign on to the Energy
Innovation Act
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CCL Newsletter, September 2021
Table of Contents:
Sen. Whitehouse tweet
Take action this week
Citizens' Climate Legacy Club
Phone and text banking
Upcoming trainings
This week on the CCL blog
Sen. Whitehouse says ‘carbon pollution fees are getting real'
Signs that carbon pricing could end up in the reconciliation bill
continue to be encouraging. The latest indication comes from Sen.
Sheldon Whitehouse's Twitter posts.
Sen. Whitehouse, who sits on the Senate Finance Committee currently
drafting climate provisions in the budget reconciliation bill, tweeted
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on Friday that "methane and carbon pollution fees are getting real in
The Rhode Island senator also posted this tweet
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about an op-ed from CCL's Mark Reynolds that was published in The Hill.
You can scroll through CCL's Twitter feed
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to see more of Whitehouse's recent climate tweets.
The flurry of posts from Whitehouse comes on the heels of a leaked
report that the Senate Finance Committee is considering
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a "per-ton tax on the carbon dioxide content of leading fossil fuels...
upon extraction, starting at $15 per ton and escalating over time."
As the Senate moves closer to including carbon pricing among legislative
solutions to climate change, now is a good time to ask President Biden
to express his support for this essential tool.
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In other news this week:
Senate reconciliation draft: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wanted
the various committees working on the budget reconciliation bill to
release their drafts today, and that was when we hoped to hear whether
carbon pricing made the cut. However, as is common with the legislative
process, it's taking a bit more time. As soon as we know something,
we'll send an email alert to all of our supporters.
Jayapal among new cosponsors for H.R. 2307: Three more House members
have cosponsored the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
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: Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Rep. James Langevin (RI-02) and Rep.
Barbara Lawrence (MI-14). As chair of the Progressive Caucus, Rep.
Jayapal's endorsement is significant because it could signal growing
support among liberals for carbon pricing. Why more cosponsors now? It
likely has to do with our recent three-week campaign to contact House
members about supporting a price on carbon. The number of
representatives who've signed on to the bill now stands at 84.
CEPP explained: This week, the House released draft legislation for an
incentive plan to cut carbon emissions in the electricity sector, which
is known as the Clean Electricity Performance Program. CCL Strategy
Director Tony Sirna provides a thorough explanation on how the program
would work in this post on CCL Community
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Braver Angels workshop : With today's polarized politics, it's a good
idea to check in with yourself about how you view people on the "other
side." The next "Depolarizing Within" workshop with Braver Angels,
taking place this Saturday, can help. Register here
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Take action this week
If you have a little time: Check out and share this recent message from
Senator Hickenlooper (D-CO) on Facebook
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, Twitter
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and Instagram
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supporting a price on carbon. Hickenlooper said, "The thing I'd like
more than anything is to get a price on carbon."
If you have more time: Watch the recording of our September national
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last Saturday. Our guest speaker was International Institute for
Sustainable Development's Aaron Cosbey, who is an expert on border
carbon adjustments.
You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter
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to take action in your community, or join one of CCL's national online
Action Teams
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to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and
Browse CCL Community's Event Calendar
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to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.
Join the Citizens' Climate Legacy Club
Since our founding, we've been running a marathon to pass effective
carbon pricing legislation. But reversing the effects of climate change
goes beyond just this one race — it's a generational relay that will
span the next 100 years. And Citizens' Climate will continue to carry
that baton until we've guaranteed a livable world for centuries to come.
Our Legacy Club members help make that happen. Legacy Club members are
those who care deeply about the longevity of our work and have made a
gift commitment to Citizens' Climate Lobby or Citizens' Climate
Education in their estate plan. Members across the country span from
young adults to grandparents and from volunteers to staff. They are a
source of ongoing inspiration, and you can read some of their stories
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If you haven't already, we invite you to consider joining the Citizens'
Climate Legacy Club by making a gift commitment in your estate plan.
Please reach out to our planned giving experts at
[email protected] with any questions.
Grassroots outreach: phone and text banking
Over the last few weeks, CCL staff and volunteers have held a series of
virtual phone banks and text banks to generate more calls and emails to
Congress. We've been reaching out to CCL supporters across the country,
asking them to contact their senators and representatives about carbon
pricing. So far, our dedicated volunteers have sent over 150,000 texts
around the country and have made over 120,000 phone calls to key
districts and states!
Want to help? There are more phone banks and text banks coming up. Join
us to help mobilize the CCL masses and make sure Congress hears our
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Upcoming Trainings
9/16 and 9/23: Informational Session for Students - In this session,
students will learn how CCL can help them take action against climate
change, including through internships, fellowships, volunteer and
training opportunities. Join us for the 9/16 session here
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, and join us for the 9/23 session here
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9/16: Budget Reconciliation Q&A w/ Tony Sirna - Join CCL Strategy
Director Tony Sirna, who will be answering questions about the Senate
budget reconciliation process. Join us
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Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer
Training, made for newer volunteers:
9/21: Research Updates w/ Core Volunteer Training - CCL continues to
bolster our case with top-notch economic modeling. Join CCL's Research
Coordinators Rick Knight and Jerry Hinkle for a special training on
research updates. Learn more and RSVP.
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To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page
of CCL Community
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This week on the CCL blog
Amplifying conservative voices: Drew Eyerly (pictured above, right) came
on board as CCL's Conservative Outreach Director earlier this year. He
has noticed that the younger generation of conservatives offers fertile
ground for climate advocacy, and he's working to bring them into CCL.
Read more
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Senate consideration of carbon pricing : CCL applauded last week's
discussion on including a carbon price in the Senate's budget
reconciliation bill. Read more
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Stay Connected - Make sure CCL's emails are in your inbox
Don't miss out on updates from Citizens' Climate. Make sure our messages
are getting to your inbox.
Get CCL in Your Inbox
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our
Informational Session, and then register for our Climate Advocate
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
Join Info Session
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Climate Advocate Training is held on the second Sunday of each month at
2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT for 2.5 hours.
Register for Climate Advocate Training
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Sign up for CCL Text Messages
As we build political will for climate solutions, CCL can notify you of
timely actions via text message. This will be critical once a bill is in
congress. You can opt out at any time. Sign up today!
Sign up for CCL Text Messages
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Sign up for CCL Community
Connect with other CCL volunteers! Our online volunteer portal is filled
with amazing resources for education, outreach and taking action.
Community's Weekly Bulletin will keep you current on all the latest CCL
Request a CCL Community Login
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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