I am humbled and grateful to the millions of Californians who voted yesterday and in the weeks before to reject the division, the cynicism and so much of what has defined our politics over the last several years.
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Friends -

Thank you.

I am humbled and grateful to the millions of Californians who voted yesterday and in the weeks before to reject the division, the cynicism and so much of what has defined our politics over the last several years.

I am especially thankful to the 250,000+ donors who made 600,000 donations to our campaign, almost 90% of them from California.

I am thankful to the volunteers who knocked on doors, made phone calls, and sent texts and had conversations with millions of Californians over the last several months, chasing down every last vote until the polls closed last night.

But the no VOTE on the recall was not the only thing expressed last night and in our work leading up to this win.

We said YES to a lot as well.

We said YES to science.

We said YES to vaccines.

We said YES to ending this pandemic.

We said YES to the right to vote and to do so without fear or fake fables of fraud.

We said YES to a woman’s fundamental constitutional right to decide what to do with her body.

We said YES to diversity, inclusion and pluralism.

We said YES to economic justice, social justice, environmental justice and racial justice.

We said YES to our values.

You know, one of the things that we have all learned throughout the Trump administration, since Joe Biden won in November, and through this recall is that democracy is not a football — something to be thrown around.

We may have defeated Trump, but if you look around, Trumpism is not dead in this country. The big lie. January 6. The assault on voting rights and constitutional rights. These things are still all around us.

So I close by saying I am humbled, I am grateful, and I am resolved at the same time.

We have a lot of work to do. Let’s get back to it.

- Gavin


Committee major funding from Democratic Governors Association, Reed Hastings, California Democratic Party

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